Kingston Koorie Mob

'Play to your Strengths' Program
On Thursday May 5 The Kingston Koorie Mob attended the St Kilda Football Club to undertake “Play to your Strengths” program where we were able to work out our individual strengths.
After lunch we designed our own boomerangs and worked on The Kingston Mob's possum skin cloak. Once an everyday item for Aboriginal people in south-eastern Australia, possum skin cloaks were worn for warmth, used as baby carriers, coverings at night, for drums in ceremonies and for burial.
Painting for The Danny Frawley Centre
The Kingston Koorie Mob was given the opportunity to do a painting for the Danny Frawley Centre, based at the St Kilda Football Club. The painting was based on the Koorie story of “The Filling of the Bay – The Time of Chaos”. The mob heard the story told by Arweet Carolyn Briggs and produced their art work. The work will be on permanent display in the walk way to the swimming pool.
Mr Robinson