Senior School News

Year 10 Outdoor Education Camp
Late last term the Year 10 Outdoor Education class was given the opportunity to go on a 3-day camp to Kilcunda. We participated in many different activities including hiking, spike ball, surfing and much more. The main hike we went on was a challenging, but rewarding, 16km walk along the George Bass Coastal Walk. We had 2 surf lessons one on the second day and another on the third day, and though there were a few wipe-outs I think everyone started to get the hang of it by the end. Overall, it was an amazing experience and I can’t wait to see what we do next!
Year 10 students
The Vaquero Leadership Program
The aim of the Vaquero Leadership program is to provide a group of students with a leadership opportunity that takes them out of their comfort zone and stretches their capabilities, thus enabling them to understand that they are able to achieve more than they can imagine.
On May 19, Olivia, Dakoda, Amelia, Ashleigh, Sarah Letho and Mr Waldron journeyed to Loch in South Gippsland to Mosquito Creek to participate in a two-day camping experience on a working equine facility and farm.
Students were engaged in learning bushcraft skills including maintaining a fire, mustering cattle, cooking, caring for the animals on the farm, and horsemanship. All became expert in preparing a fire without the use of matches and in wet conditions. All of the students handled the horses and cattle confidently under the guidance of Dan Chipperfield, Kizz Chipperfield and their daughter Cassidy. Students excelled in their capacity to take on new challenges and showed great leadership.
Many great fireside discussions showed a depth of maturity among these students. Our trainer, Dan Chipperfield was more than impressed with the way our students engaged in the program.
We look forward to a follow up excursion where the students will engage in some more work with the horses and a chance to use the farm forge.
Mr Waldron
Market Day
On May 26, Year 11 VCE Business Management and VCAL students participated in a market day. This was a project where students created their own businesses and sold goods to students and teachers in the school community. Students sold items such as baked goods, iced drinks, fairy floss, pot plants and lots more, with some students even creating interactive games to win prizes. The outcome of market day was extremely successful, where we not only raised over $1000 for a charity supporting Multiple Sclerosis but also learnt many valuable skills required when setting up a business. I worked with a partner and personally developed better budgeting skills, time management skills and learnt to work under a high amount of pressure. We sold almond croissants and iced coffee, making a profit of $368 by the end of the day. The day was not only a lesson for students but was also so much fun and a massive success.
Isabella Dargan
Tuesday May 17 was IDAHoBIT day. IDAHoBIT stands for International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism, and Transphobia which celebrates LGBTQIA+ people globally, and raises awareness for the work still needed to combat discrimination. IDAHoBIT day is not just a day ‘against’, but it is also a day to celebrate visibility, survival, solidarity and achievement.
At Patterson River Secondary College, we’re committed to developing and maintaining a safe, positive, and inclusive environment for our LGBTQIA+ staff and students. Throughout IDAHoBIT week, we raised the pride flag in celebration of IDAHOBIT Day and to show the school’s support towards the LGBTQIA+ community. We also celebrated by having deliciously vibrant rainbow cupcakes in the library with staff and students, made by the wonderful Amie Simpson at
Our RESPECT group meets every Thursday lunchtime in the Community Room. Staff and students are welcome to join in so feel free to come along or contact the wellbeing team for more details.