Year 9 News

Year 9 City Trips
Over the last 5 weeks, Year 9s have been travelling into the City to experience all the CBD has to offer and to support the learning from Learning for Life. Students were taken on a tour of the Yarra River where they were taught about the way local indigenous tribes used the land for thousands of years. Students went to the Old Melbourne Gaol to learn about how people were given consequences in early Melbourne times as well as the story and courtroom drama of Ned Kelly. Students experienced the Shrine of Remembrance and applied their World War 1 learnings to real artefacts.
Next week students have been able to select an experience for their last City Trip.
We would like to commend all Year 9s for behaving in line with our SWPB expected behaviours and should be proud of how they have represented the school. As always, a big thank you to the staff for making these trips happen.
Year 9 Learning for Life
In Term 2 students have been learning about the Indigenous Australians who have lived on this land for 65 thousand years. Students have explored Terra Nullius, Batman Treaty and the treatment of indigenous people by the white settlers.
Students also learnt how Melbourne developed from pre-settlement to the bustling city it is today.
Students have finished the term learning about the events of World War 1 and are currently working on a History Inquiry Project where they get to research something further that interests them about the war. We are enjoying seeing what students are presenting to their peers in the 'Sharing of Knowledge' this week.
Students have also completed the Morrisby assessment - which gives them an idea of potential pathways and jobs they may be interested in when finishing school. This links in to our work on Pathways which will be completed next term.