Principal's Report

A Full Semester Onsite!
Today marks the first time in two and half years that Victorian Government schools have completed an entire semester engaged in learning onsite. With that said, it hasn't been without its challenges, particularly with ongoing COVID and Influenza related absences and staff shortages across the system. Despite these challenges, I have been proud of the way in which staff and students have engaged in the full range of student experiences that can only be found in a vibrant onsite learning environment.
While there has been a lot of discussion in the media and community about ongoing challenges with student behaviour and engagement as they return to onsite learning. In the recent weeks, I have been contacted by numerous members of the public and visitors to the school, congratulating our staff and students.
Community Feedback
Year 8
"On my way home, on a very busy train where seats were a premium, a student from Patterson River SC stood up and pushed past multiple people to help an elderly man to his chair. It was an impressive act for such a young man."
Replacement Teacher
"Today was my first day as a casual replacement teacher. I had such a great time teaching and want to congratulate you on the culture of school"
"We arrived at the caravan park in Phillip Island to find that our site was right next to a large group of your students. Having run a caravan park ourselves, we were worried, but the students were so delightful. They even helped my husband back the caravan in."
Building Works Progress
Several weeks ago we moved into our new STEM facility and have been slowly setting up our new furniture and machinery. Our new centre includes:
- 2 Large 'Maker Spaces'
- Robotics / Systems Room
- 2 3D / Laser Print Rooms
- Metal Work Room
- Woodwork Room
New Equipment
- 14 3D Printers
- Laser Cutter
- VEX Robotic Kits
- Drop Saw
- CNC Router
Year 8 Centre
Our new Year 8 Centre which will be housed in a highly refurbished former Design and Technology wing.
This building is on track to be finished early next term. We are planning to open up our new buildings to parents during the Term 3 Parent Teacher Interviews so that they can see our wonderful new facilities.
Federal Government and RSL Support for our Instrumental Music Program
In recent weeks, both the newly elected Federal Government and the Seaford RSL have provided support to our Instrumental Music Program. This is in recognition for the performances that our Stage Band undertake each year at the Seaford RSL's ANZAC Day Ceremony and the Dunkley Senior Citizens Annual Morning Tea. The RSL donated a trumpet and the Federal Government has pledged $9,000 for new instruments.
Together with recent parent donations of $3,000, our College is able to continue to expand it's instrumental music program and provide students with instruments to hire for minimal cost.
Industry Links to Build Creativity & Teamwork
Our College has teamed up with Winslow Constructions who are completing the Latham Road Extension to provide students with the opportunity to develop their Critical and Creative Thinking Skills. This included a 2 Day Idea Challenge involving approximately 100 students. Here is a reflection from Navya Appaji in Year 7:
"On the 26th and 27th of May, all EXCEL Academic classes plus some VHAP (Victorian High Ability Program) students participated in the Crazy Idea's College challenge day. Over the 2-day period that we were there, we worked towards presenting a Pitch to Winslow Infrastructure about a certain product that we could use to help people. The products we came up with were all designed to help in certain areas such as Education, Drug/Alcohol, Community Connectedness and the Environment. All the teams that pitched to Winslow Infrastructure presented really well. The presentations were professionally done and the Winslow team, teachers and students thought it was interesting, had a good cause, and were enjoyable to listen to."
Parent Voluntary Donations
Already this year we have received over $20,000 in voluntary contributions towards targeted equipment. Together with some of the funds raised in 2021, we have been able to complete the following projects:
- Art Light Boxes
- Gel Electrophoresis (DNA) Kits
- Brass Instruments
- CNC Router
CNC Router
Women In Leadership
This week our College Captains hosted a 'High Tea' themed Women In Leadership Morning Tea. The event included student leaders, politicians, businesswomen and student leaders from local primary schools.
Key Contacts
Our College is structured around Mentor Teachers being the primary point of contact for families, particularly within the junior school. If you are unsure of who is your child's mentor teacher, then you can see this via your child's Compass Schedule (Form Assembly).
While you can contact your child's mentor teacher to inquire about a range of topics, you can also contact a range of staff about specific topics.
Mr Daniel Dew
College Principal