Design Tech

STEM Centre
At the start of Term 2 we moved into the new STEM Centre. It was a big job to move all our resources into the new building, a bit like moving house. There are still a few things that need sorting out but we are making progress and hope to be fully operational at the start of Term 3.
The students have focused mainly on designing their projects this term and should be making their wonderful creations next term.
The centre is a great asset in that it will allow students to design solutions to a design brief and then make prototypes so their design can be evaluated. There are many connecting windows between the specialist rooms allowing good supervision and freedom for the students to work in the most appropriate space. With the new centre came an extra laser cutter, many 3D printers and a CNC router. We have great examples of new technology, while still being able to teach traditions skills and knowledge.
Year 8 Elective Retro Metal
Students formed copper sheet into a bowl form and then applied glass enamel, fusing it onto the copper in a kiln.
Finished Bowls:
Year 8 Design Technology - Eco House
In teams, students have designed a beach house focusing on sustainability. They have then built cardboard models of the houses before evaluating them.
Year 10 Metal Weathervanes