Performing Arts News

Year 8 Music Excursion – MSO & ACMI
A fabulous day was enjoyed by all Year 8 music students – venturing to the city to see the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra and explore the Australian Centre for Moving Images.
The humorous depiction of animals in Saint-Saëns’ zoological fantasy was brought to life through music and puppetry live on the Hamer Hall stage. The concert was quite the menagerie!
Seeing a professional orchestra on stage was a motivating experience that we hope all band students enjoyed.
Thanks for a wonderful day,
Year 8 Band, Ms Griffiths, Mr. Mitchelmore
Junior Performing Arts Afternoon
May 25
It was fabulous to see our junior students enjoying an afternoon of live performance. In all areas of the Performing Arts, our students took to the stage to sing, dance, act and perform routines. Performances included the Rising Stars class, 7E Concert Band, Year 8 Concert Band, Dance Extension and Aerobics Team.
The 7E Concert Band were the first to perform displaying how much progress they have made since starting their instruments at the start of the year. It is quite amazing to hear the band come together, performing many pieces involving teamwork and musical skill.
Rehearsing during lunchtime, the Dance Extension group performed the routine they have been practising – a fun and energetic routine choreographed and taught by our Performing Arts Leader Amelia Godino.
The year 8 Concert Band were a delight to listen to – their many pieces displayed their progress, character, and musicality. Darth MacDonald being a particular favourite with a flavour of Old MacDonald meeting Darth Vader. A rising and talented band.
Rising Stars is a year 8 elective where students develop and write their own performance. This class displayed much creativity incorporating dance, song and performance. Congratulations to the students who performed their items from Frozen and High School Musical.
It was a wonderful afternoon – seeing the PAC alive with performers and students & parents as an appreciative audience.
Thank you to everyone who participated in this enjoyable afternoon.
Margaret Griffiths
Performing Arts Leader
Peta Murphy MP visit and donation.
The instrumental music program was delighted to host local MP Peta Murphy in May this year as she visited the school with then Shadow minister for education Tanya Plibersek. After a great performance from the 8B band, Peta was able to announce a generous donation of $10,000 towards the music program at the college. Needless to say, we were elated upon hearing the announcement and wish to thank Peta for her generosity and support of the performing arts at the college. These desperately needed funds will go towards replacing the old instrumental stock in the music department.
Mr Mitchelmore
Instrumental Music Manager
RSL Donation
Staff and students of the instrumental music program wish to thank Lorraine Mace and Jan Gallagher from the Seaford RSL for their generous gift of a brand-new trumpet. Every year, students from the Stage Band perform at the Annual Schools’ ANZAC Service at the Seaford RSL. This event brings together more than a dozen primary schools from the local area as well as ex-servicemen and women and local members of Parliament to pay their respects to the sacrifices made by the ANZACS during WWI and other conflicts. No doubt that this new trumpet will be used to perform the Last Post and Reveille at next years’ service. Thank you again Lorraine and Jan for your support of the music program.
Senior Drama and Dance Night
Our performance at Drama and Dance Night was 'Children of the Black Skirt' by Angela Beitzin. Our Senior Theatre class worked hard for many months to put on this play, from deciding our production roles, to auditioning for characters. We collaborated together as a team throughout all stages of the production process: planning, development, and finally our presentation at Drama Night. Thank you to everyone who came and supported us and the dance team that night!
Ms Lenahan-Walters
On Saturday 18th June, our Year 8 & 9 Aerobics Team travelled to Geelong to compete in the School Aerobics State Championships. Our students were very excited to qualify for this event and trained extremely hard. It was a highly competitive event, with students from all around Victoria competing. Our students finished with a score of 81.60, narrowly missing out on a spot at the National Championships. The girls are to be highly commended for the time and effort they have put in preparing for this competition, as well as their fabulous performance.
Ms Theodore and Ms Blackburne