Principal's News

A special welcome to Emmah Rose and her family to our school community. Emmah joins our Year 3 cohort.
One aspect of wellbeing that we are focusing on from LIVING WELL, LEARNING WELL is gratitude. The children have been participating in The Resilience Project lessons during PDH this year. Gratitude, empathy, and mindfulness form the backbone of the program and the children know these as GEM.
Engaging With Our Community
We have planned a number of events to engage with our community this term. We will be commemorating National Reconciliation and NAIDOC weeks, National Sorry Day and our Mini Vinnies will be supporting the St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal.
On top of this, we will be putting out an expression of interest in the coming weeks to form a Parent and Friends Committee.
NAPLAN Assessment
Our Year 3 and 5 students will be completing their Online NAPLAN assessments this week. There will be some catchup sessions for children who were away last week. We wish them all the best.
Catholic Schools Week
Each year all Catholic dioceses in Australia promote Catholic Education through Catholic Schools Week.
The theme for CSW 2022 in the Armidale diocese is Our Hope-Filled Future. Bishop Kennedy has asked that all schools be represented at deanery masses and our primary students, Mr Smith and myself will attend the CSW Mass at St Philomena’s on Tuesday the 24th of May. We will be leaving school at 9:30 am and will be back by 2:00 pm. This will be a wonderful opportunity for our children to celebrate Mass as part of a wider Catholic community and meet students from other schools and take part in activities with children from other small schools in our part of our diocese.
Winter Uniform
This is the last week for students to wear their summer uniforms.
The winter uniform is to be worn from Monday the 27th of May.
Uniform items can be purchased from our school office.
Here is a summary of our winter uniform.
Further details are on our FROM OUR OFFICE page.
Kinder 2023 Transition
We will be starting our Kinder 2023 Transition from Week 4. These will take place on the following days until 11:10 am. Please contact Lisa at the office for details.
- Tuesday, May 17
- Tuesday, May 31
- Tuesday, June 28
Wishing you all the best for the fortnight ahead.
Joe Dimech