Term 2 Dates

Tue 17 Kinder 2023 Transition to 11:10 am
Wed 18 NAPLAN Language Conventions - Years 3 and 5
Thurs 19 NAPLAN Numeracy - Years 3 and 5
Fri 20 Mr Dimech @ REC Meeting
Walk Safely to School Day
Mon 23 Catholic Schools Week
to Fri 27
Tue 24 Feast of Our Lady Help of Christians
Catholic Schools Week Mass in Moree
Thurs 26 National Sorry Day
Fri 27 National Reconciliation Week begins
Whole school immersion day - “Be Brave. Make Change"
Sun 29 Feast of the Ascension of the Lord
Tue 31 Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Kinder 2023 Transition to 11:10 am