GECPA Term 2

“It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.” Elinor Smith


And things did indeed happen. Thank you so much to the GEC community for all your support of the 21 May 2022 Federal Election GEC fundraising – the BBQ, the cakes or goodies you provided for the cake stall, craft stall/plant stall contributions. It was a great fundraiser for the College. All the funds go towards upgrades to the College. 


The GEC Federal Election fundraising point of difference were our jams….

But, for me, I think the best part of the day was seeing you.  We’re still to work out the exact amount but we will keep you posted. See some pictures on the day… 

Working Bee 

Thank you also to parents and carers and those students who helped tidy up the school gardens and grounds ahead of Election Day so our school looked its best for our community. 

Glen Eira College – you were and are amazing!

For more information about your Parents’ Association - look out for an email next week or contact us


Nicole Bishop

Convenor, Glen Eira College Parents Association

Secondhand Uniform Stall

Thursday 23 June,  3pm - 4pm – outside the library.

Cash is preferred, for ease of transaction, but credit cards are also accepted. Prices range from $10 for polo tops and shirts and $20 for grey pants and track pants to $35 for jackets. As always, donations are welcome. 

GEC Neurodiverse Kids Parents Group 

Dedicated members of the Parents’ Association had for a number of years planned to organise a sub-committee dedicated to supporting parents and carers at GEC with children who were neurodiverse. All the preparation culminated in a recent cafe catch up which was very successful with lots of tips and experience shared on how to support our students and teachers at GEC; including:

  • Asking GEC staff to share a list of teachers and year level co-ordinators with expertise and responsibility for inclusion. 
  • Individual learning plans. 
  • possible expert speakers including on ‘how to write a good Individual learning plan’
  • Funding for students with disabilities and teachers’ professional development 
  • Acknowledging those teachers who are making a difference. 

If you are interested in joining the discussion email GECPA at and we will put you in touch with Alicia and Cathy. A WhatsApp group has been started and there are more café catch ups to come. 


  • Vic Govt Education Department link to Disability Inclusion - new 

The new Disability Inclusion funding model provides new school-level funding for schools to strengthen supports for students with disability, including students who haven’t been eligible for individual funding through the Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD).


Some Tips and Tricks 

Year 11 parents and carers: 

At Year 11 students are expected to learn more independently relative to any preceding points in their education. Year 11 is packed with numerous requirements and students are expected to manage their time well. 

A daily routine is a must at this stage. It is important to encourage your child to begin to compile study notes now. This is a great habit for Year 12. Find a system which works for them. It’s different for everyone - whether it’s visual cues, colour coding etc. 

Year 12 next newsletter…

Locking bikes at school to reduce thefts

Glen Eira College encourages students to walk or ride to school to boost their exercise and independence. 

With several reports of student’s bikes being stolen from Glen Eira College please ensure you kids lock their bikes – preferably with 2 locks – 1 for the front wheel and bike rack and one for the frame and back wheel. ‘D’ locks are the hardest to cut so are recommended. 

Community and Sustainability events 

Your Story – story telling workshops for secondary students 

Your Story is a series of storytelling workshops focused on building skills and connecting young people with opportunities and platforms to share their stories.

McKinnon Library and Youth Hub — Djeembana Room, 169 McKinnon Road, McKinnon

Cost Free

Author, writer and speaker Joel McKerrow, and writer Clara Johanna Borg, to help stir up your creative juices.

Thursday, 16 June 2022 4 - 5:30 - focus on short stories and poetry, aimed at youth in Years 7–9, however all ages encouraged to attend

July 12 4-5.30 Years 10–12 focus, however encourage all ages encouraged to attend

More info at Glen Eira Council Your Story 160622 | Glen Eira City Council


Glen Eira Teen school holiday program ages 12-18  28 June – July 7

Program includes creating comics, ten pin blowing, ice-skating, rock-climbing, minecraft inspired cooking and more 

Teen School Holiday Program | Glen Eira City Council


Circular Economy Plan – waste minimisation and reuse 

How can Glen Eira College and families reduce waste? Glen Eira Council are developing a Circular Economy Plan for Glen Eira and we want to hear your ideas about how we can support households, businesses, schools and community groups to manage resources and waste more sustainably – by Friday 17 June.

Sustainability Advisory Committee Glen Eira Council – nominations open 

Glen Eira Council is seeking people to advise council on climate and a more sustainable Glen Eira. The Committee, made up of community members and Councillors, meets at least four times each year on weekday evenings. 

Applications close at 5pm on Friday 24 June.

Jams and preserves making workshops – online or in person options 

If you liked the jams at the GEC election stall you might like to learn how to make your own. 

Online workshop Thursday 9 June, 7–8pm ages 13 and up 

East Bentleigh Village Garden Sunday 19 June, 10am–12pm 90–92 Bignell Road

To register, call or text Stephen on 0490 002 884 by 12 June.

Rice Clay Art Workshop

Wednesday 22 June, 7pm–8.30pm Online 

Join experimental artist Vivian Qiu for a making session with a difference.

In this free workshop, you’ll learn how to create a new sustainable and organic material from scratch – rice clay. When mixed with different fibres this unique material can be transformed into beautiful pieces of useable art. Suitable for ages 15 and up. Participants will be provided with a basic materials list to participate from home.



Cathy McNaughton, Editor, GECPA Newsletter

Contributors: Alicia Voges, Nicole Bishop