From the Principal

Start creating your first online newsletter now

Dear Families, 


This term is going so quickly. We have lots of events coming up before the end of term. 


Teachers are in the process of completing reports. After two years of remote learning it is great to see students growth in their learning. This term reports will be sent out on the Sentralo parent portal. Please contact Elisha if you need access to the portal. If you would still like a hard copy report please let your classroom teacher know and we can organise this. 



There have been a number of cases of head lice in the school. Please ensure all hair that is long enough to be tied back is tied up each day. 



We are still having a number of students and members of the community who are testing positive for COVID. We also have many students who have come down with the flu. Please ensure if your child is unwell they are kept at home to reduce the spread of illness in the school. 


Please see the latest advice on RAT testing:

Free rapid antigen tests will continue to be available for all staff and students in Victorian schools in  Term 2, 2022.


Schools will continue to be provided with the same weekly quantity of rapid antigen test kits, 

It is recommended that rapid antigen tests are used by students and staff when symptomatic. Rapid antigen tests are also required to be used for five days if a student or staff member is an identified close contact of a confirmed case, and they are attending or working at a school onsite. 


If staff or students receive a positive test result at any time, they must report this through the Department of Health system (Rapid antigen tests | Coronavirus Victoria) or via the coronavirus hotline at 1800 675 398.


Students (or their parents) must also report a positive result to their school by contacting the office. This is so the school can record that they will be absent while in 7-day isolation, provide support and learning materials as needed. 


If a staff member or student has recovered from COVID-19, they are not required to get tested or isolate/quarantine if re-exposed to a case within 12 weeks of ending their isolation period.


Curriculum Day 

Please note Monday 20th June is our next Curriculum Day. Staff will be engaged in Professional Learning on School Wide Positive Behavour which looks at our expectations and behaviours across the school. 


Have a lovely long weekend and see you next Tuesday.


Kind regards,

