Library News....

We have had a very productive term here in the library investigating new books that we have purchased, reading with Wushka and finishing off the term with some art activities , cooking and an interactive Bush Tucker display for NAIDOC. We have also enjoyed Angela's feather flowers activity.

Enjoy your holidays and remember to keep reading...... Your local libraries are open for borrowing. Due to restrictions they will not be having holiday activities but they are offering some activities online. Don't forget Wushka , our school online reading platform that you can access all day , everyday at home.


Historically Term 3 has been Book Week. This year we will be celebrating Book Week in term 4. You will hear more about this in Term 4


 Over the holidays could you please have a look for any readers or library books that may have been missed and return them to school next term. Thank you



Have fun, stay safe and we look forward to Term 3.