Principal's Report
Principal - Brea Terris
Assistant Principal -Anthea Mathers
Principal's Report
Principal - Brea Terris
Assistant Principal -Anthea Mathers
It is great to see our students undertaking such fantastic work in the classrooms this week. There is so much great learning happening at ETRS and the students and staff have adapted so well to the new norm.
I was so excited to sign so many Wally Certificates this week. This means our students are demonstrating the school values on a daily basis. It is wonderful to see in these tricky times.
Our updated Return to School Operations guide ensures the continuation of students practicing good hygiene, staggered pick up times, students having their own personal resources, social distancing with staff, and increased cleaning. This is reviewed as we receive information from the Department of Education and Training.
The Victorian Chief Health Officer has confirmed that the use of face masks or coverings by adults or children is not recommended in schools at this time.
If you, your child, or a family member develops symptoms of a fever, chills or sweats, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, loss of smell or taste, you should get tested at a coronavirus (COVID-19) testing facility and stay home.
If you would like health information from the Department of Health and Human Services, you can visit
The Stage Two building works are nearly complete and are looking fantastic. Please have a look at our Facebook site for some photos. The furniture has been delivered today and we are very excited about the Co-Location.
The ESS staff and students have planned a transition to the new school site. All students will visit the school and will spend a session in the new spaces prior to the formal move.
During these sessions, students will complete a walkthrough, discuss the spaces and become familiar with the surroundings.
The transition week will be week 4 of this term. This will consist of Monday 3rd of August (pupil free) and 4th- 6th (transition visits) and Friday 7th of August (pupil free). These pupil free days are for ESS only. The classroom teachers will provide information regarding which students will visit on which day.
The two School Councils are meeting on Monday night to discuss tenders for services such as cleaning, grounds and lunch orders.
Friday 31st of July will be a whole school curriculum day. No students will be required on site this day.
I apologise the timeline of notifying families has been shorter than we would have liked due to the current restrictions in place. We were unsure if we could run this day.
During the day staff will be working with a local Literacy Consultant around resources to support our current work in Literacy. We will begin work on the School Review.
School's Out will be offering Out of Hours Care on this day. Please contact Keelie on 0436819832.
Congratulations to the following students who were the top three fundraisers for the Colour Fun Run.
Jaiden B $360
Tyler M and Henry M - $350
Charli F - $310
Jaiden will be presented a medal for the Highest Fundraiser at the next assembly.
Farewell to Jess one of our staff who is moving back home to be with family. We thank Jess for all of her work at ETRS and wish her luck in the future. Jess will be missed by the community.
Keep an ear out for our new radio advertisements on Edge FM and 1521 QN radio. Our school song even makes an appearance. We are hoping that this will spread the word about the fantastic things we do at ETRS.
This term we will continue hosting assemblies via Webex. Our first assembly was held today. We will be moving assemblies to fortnightly. Teachers will award two Student of the Weeks at each assembly. Assemblies will be open to parents in Week 4. A link will be forwarded to families.
We have decided that Reading Journals need to be returned on Friday. Please ensure the journals are in your child's bag each Friday. Thank you for your support of this.
All enrolment documents are available to download from our website. You may also contact the school and we can send the information to you via email or the post.
If you know of any families who are interested in enrolling, please ask them to contact the school. Thank you to our families who are getting the good word out in the community about our school, word of mouth is the most powerful form of advertising and consequently, we are fielding an increased number of inquiries about our school.
Unfortunately, until the Health Advice changes we are unable to do school tours.
Next week's value is: Responsibility
Next week's behaviour focus is: I will arrive on time to school.
It has been great seeing all the children making an effort to arrive on time before the morning bell. Students have been receiving Wally stickers for their efforts.
Lunch orders have re-commenced this term on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. These will continue to be provided by Molloy's Cafe. More information including the menu and ordering system can be found on our School Website. Money can be placed in a paper lunch bag with your child's name and order along with the correct money or you can order your child's lunch online at
Wishing everyone an enjoyable and safe weekend.
Brea and Anthea