Specialist News

Visual Arts

The students have worked really well and have created truly amazing work!!! They should all be proud of their exploration in techniques and in strengthening their artistic skills.


The preps are enjoying exploring the artist Claude Monet and are creating great vases. They will begin painting these next week. students have thought through colour, pattern and repetition.


The grade 1's and 2's have finished their Picasso Portraits and are exploring Weaving. These weaving squares are looking fantastic and the students are really enjoying choose their own colours of wool to thread through the hessian.


The grade 2/3 and 3/4 are continuing on with their exploration of the artist Vassily Kandinksy. They have been listening to 3 pieces of music and have responded in an abstract style; similiar to Kandinksy. They have now chosen their strongest art piece and are recreating it on larger scale paper. 


The grade 5/6 students are continuing their exploration of the artist Edward Hopper. they have sketched an image (section) of our school and have focused on creating tone - light and shadow. This is because Hopper's artworks show his interest in tonal contrast.

They have then cropped and recreated these sketches on a block of lino and have begun carving out a lino print. 


Physical Education

I would like to congratulate Jasmine from 5/6K for participating in the WESA District Tennis finals.  Jasmine played 2 matches in a round robin format, before a slight rain delay. While she didn’t win either of the matches, she did score some points on serve and on return and kept trying throughout.  After the rain had cleared she played her last round robin match which she also lost so she didn’t progress to the finals.  She came fifth overall against some very good competition.  During all matches the players also had to do the scoring and running of the game themselves. 



Thank you to the parents who have been coming to the library at various times to assist with the returns and shelving of books. Next week, we begin a new system whereby each class will be rostered on for a week to help out in the library. This is a great opportunity for parents/carers to come in for a cuppa and catch up, where it's warm inside and a job can be done! Please look out for a message from your class representative. The first class on will be 1/2D next week. Looking forward to seeing  lots of helpers. 


Jenny Watts