Senior School

Senior School Camp

Well done to everyone who went to Lady Northcote Camp last week. Your behavior and enthusiasm was fantastic, and you represented Weeden Heights proudly, whilst at the same time, having a very enjoyable experience. Once again, a big shout out to Eve Vennell and Kirsty White who gave up their time to volunteer and join us on camp.  Without their assistance, camp would not have been possible so a big thank you!


Last week, the amazing Year 5 and 6s went to Lady Northcote for 2 nights. They had activities like giant swing, flying fox, archery and frisbee golf. We loved playing gaga ball during our free time. The food was delicious also.  Unfortunately some students fell in the water at canoeing.  On the last night, we watched a movie which was chosen by Diesel for his birthday.  Lastly, we would like to thank Eve and Kirsty for giving up their time to us.  Ashley and Sherry


In our classrooms

It has been wonderful to have some continuity in our classrooms as we reach the halfway point of the term. In numeracy, we are looking at chance and data which involves lots of hands on activities during our numeracy block.   In writing, we are working on writing information reports, which will align with our inquiry focus which is centred on Asia and investigating its culture. 

Leadership activities

Our Year 6 leaders have been very busy in organising lunch time activities for our younger students. This week, Zahir and Nicolas will be conducting Library Club on Thursday, and on Friday, Alex H, Aryan and Zayan will be running lunchtime activities for Prep - Year 2.