On Thursday 5 March, the Year 12 Class of 2020 began to arrive at Merrimu Receptions for the 2nd annual Year 12 Formal. Despite the concerns of the weather overhead, the overcast evening made for some gorgeous photos outside of the venue. The atmosphere from the very beginning of the night was incredible, with everyone admiring one another’s stunning outfits and transformations.
Everybody looked amazing in their formal attire. Everyone definitely outdid themselves from our Year 11 Formal last year. There were even some shirts tucked in! The night’s best dressed awards went to Jedd Stein and Coco Greenberg. Zoe Meek and Coco even made their own dresses!
Inside the venue, there was never a dull moment on the dance floor. The Merrimu staff provided us with a delicious dinner to enjoy, although students and teachers alike spent very little time sitting down. We were all up and about, dancing and relishing each other's company. A special mention to the night's Best Dancer, Kelvin Nguyen.
This year’s Formal saw the introduction of many new and exciting awards, including most likely to become a TikTok star (Louise Roberts), Biggest party animal (Joshua Osachy), most likely to be asked for ID at 25 (Yanni Kontos), most likely to be seen on Love Island (Levi Scholz and Ella Hayat) and many more.
We would like to express our gratitude to everyone who worked hard to make our Formal so special. A huge thanks to our student management team - especially Ms James - for organising everything as well as the Principal team for allowing the night to take place. Our thanks also go out to all of the teachers who came along to celebrate with us too. They all looked just as glamorous.
Keisha Harcourt 12E and Remi van Denderen 12M