out of the mud,

onto the rock 

Near my grandparents’ house was a small river dammed by a weir. During the summer, the rains would cause the river to swell raising the water level enough so that we could water-ski. On those amazing summer days, blazing sun, water and speed, my siblings and I would enjoy the entertainment.

This body of water, though it seemed to be deep, but in actuality it was quite shallow. The mud of the river clouded the bed so the bottom could not be seen, and what we believed to be two meters of water was less than a metre…

And another half a metre of mud.

If, while skiing, we were tossed into the water, we would become quickly stuck in the muck that was almost waist high. Not only was it a disgusting feeling to be embedded in mud, but it was almost impossible to get out. Movement was slow and difficult. The only rescue was to be pulled out and cleaned off.


In Psalm 40, King David writes:

I waited patiently for the Lord, and he turned to me and heard my cry for help. He brought me up from the watery pit, out of the muddy clay and set my feet on a rock making my steps secure.


For the last month we, like David, might have felt impatient about being stuck in the muck and mire of these difficult times. Movement into the future felt slow and tiring. We may have looked anywhere for help to rescue us.

Just as David experienced rescue from the muddy clay, so we, too, can begin to feel a sense that God is turning the boat around to pull us from the water and the mud and set our feet back on solid ground. As this happens, it will be interesting to see if things ‘go back to normal’ or will we continue this new reality of God’s goodness as we find joy in relationships and togetherness in the future. Who knows?

What I do know, is that as we are pulled from the pit, we, like David, can do this:

He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.

Many will see and be in awe, and they will trust in the Lord.


God bless your new beginning this term as your feet are set on the Rock.


Pastor Reid