Principal's News

Dear Families,

It seems like such a short time I have been here at Trinity and yet it is already the end of week 8 We are close to the end of our first term and so much has already happened with much great learning completed. Each week our teachers meet with school leaders to closely look at the learning of all our children both individually and as a class and I am confident all our teachers are doing a wonderful job of ensuring our children are being challenged in all aspects of their learning.




On behalf of all of us in the Trinity Family I would like to send a big congratulations to Ms Belinda Nechwatal on the birth of her beautiful baby girl 

Mira Rose Nechwatal 

born on Friday 12 March.



School Closure Day TOMORROW

A reminder that on Friday 19th March there will be NO SCHOOL for our children as all teachers will be participating in a Professional Learning activity related to the Berry Street Education Model. The Berry Street Education Model (BSEM) provides strategies for teaching and learning that enables teachers to increase engagement of all students. 


School Promotion & Marketing

It has also been an exciting past week with the filming of our new school promotional video taking place. A big thank you to all the parents who accepted the invitation to share their thoughts about our wonderful school.  Thanks also to our great teachers and students who smiled for the cameras and I know represented our school perfectly.  We truly hope we are able to capture the many great things that happen here each day as well as the extraordinary feeling of community we are so lucky to have. 


School Improvement at Trinity

Values Survey. Thanks to the 63 people who have completed the Values survey, your input and extra thoughts are greatly appreciated. It is very interesting to see the similarities in what we all hold to be important for our children and school community.  We will use this data to inform us as we continue to look at ways of improving what we do and who we are at Trinity.   

I have included the Google form HERE  again in case there are still a few people who would like to add their thoughts. 


School Ambassadors

There is no doubt that the most effective form of advertising and promotion is simple word of mouth. Our best marketing tool is our parents who spread the word to family and friends as well as people in the community about our school. I encourage all of you to be active school ambassadors, happy to promote our school to others and to encourage those with young children to come and visit Trinity when looking for a school for their children.  Of course all members of our Parents & Friends as well as our School Board are official School Ambassadors and I have included some information below about these two groups.  


Trinity Parents and Friends (P&F)

Meet and Greet

Do you currentlyvolunteer or would like to volunteer during the year in our wonderful school community? Please join us for a “Meet and Greet” to find out  about the many ways you can contribute to the school community in 2021. We know that a very large portion of our parents and carers work and have other commitments however any small amount of assistance during the year is  greatly appreciated and together we can achieve great things. Come and join us for a chat. 

WHERE: Library at school

WHEN: Tuesday 23 March from 2.45pm -                         3:15pm.

Have any questions? Please contact Antonella


School Advisory Board (School Board)

As I am sure you are all aware, our School Advisory Board is another important group within the school which has the important role of acting as an advisory group to the principal on matters concerning the operation of the school.

The school Board has as its central purpose the realization of the vision of the school.  In realizing this vision, the school Board aims to:

  • Act as a forum for discussion on matters concerning education in the school
  • Support the provision of Catholic education in the parish by providing a link between the parish, parents and staff of the school
  • Promote the role of the community in the life of the school

Due to changes in the governance model for all Catholic Schools this year we have not held an official meeting of our SAB this term,  however we intend to meet early in Term 2 and will contact previous members and look to include new members where appropriate before the end of Term 1. 


School Lunches Satisfaction Survey

As mentioned earlier in the Term, we have been using a new school lunch provider. Could I ask you all to complete the Satisfaction Survey HERE so we can determine whether to continue with the supplier or explore a new alternative. 

Kind Regards

Mr Nigel Rodrigues 
