
District Athletics carnival

On Friday 5th August 40 students have been selected and will be competing at the District Athletics Carnival at Myimbarr fields, Flinders. The bus will be leaving school at 8am. We wish all these students best of luck competing in a hope to improve their personal best. 


3-6 Sport 

This term, years 3-6 will be participating in selected sport activities every Friday. These include: fishing, walking, school sport and tennis. It is such a great opportunity for our students to experience these sports helping them to build valuable skills in learning different sports. 



Upcoming sporting events

District Athletics Carnival: Friday 5th August 

Best You Can Be visit from Illawarra Dragons - years 3-6: Tuesday 9th August

Boys and Girls NSWPSSA Football match vs Hayes Park @ Sir Ian McLennan Oval in Kembla Grange - more details to follow: Wednesday 10th August 1pm


Looking forward to an awesome term filled with many sporting events! 


Miss Rogers 

Sport Coordinator