
We are continuing to build a shared culture of reading at Windang Public School! 

Student reflections on learning during the English

It has been a joy to check in with students across classrooms and see how their reading lessons are progressing. Several students from Kookaburra's and Koala's have shared their thoughts about some of their reading experiences.


K/1 Kookaburras are engaging in fantastic learning experiences to build their reading skills!


In the reading engine room, Taylor and Liberty are reading a decodable book with Miss Kemp . Taylor said, "I like this book because Nip is in it. I like how Nip sinks in the mud!" 

Liberty said, "I like how Nip has a snack of watermelon!"


During fluency reading, students read their fluency texts with a partner. Ned and Tatiana are proudly sharing their fluency passage.

Ned said, "I like reading the sentences with my partner Reggie. Reggie reads along to make sure I don't make a mistake. Then, Reggie reads out loud. I read look at his page to help him too." 

Tatiana said, "I like reading everything on the page. It's peaceful."


In the Koala's classroom, students are building their fluency skills as part of their reading. 


"What I like about fluency is being able to read out loud and not read in my head like I always do. I learned when when I was doing fluency to stop at pauses and read with expression." Lani


"I like fluency because I like learning about the phrasing. It calms me down. I like the lessons. It is interesting." Mason


"Most of what I like about fluency is that we learn how to read fluently and have pauses at full stops and question marks. We read different texts and we sometimes read together. We read with partners, and we read together, and we take turns at different paragraphs. I like how we also have another teacher to help teach us to read fluently." Lachlan


"I like fluency because you get to read lots and I like reading. I'm starting to to read more fluently by taking pauses in the right places." Heidi

Koala students have also been investigating factual texts through reading and writing. Here they are playing a quick game of 'I have, who has' fact and opinion.


Carinya Barkley

Literacy Leader - Assistant Principal, Curriculum & Instruction