Weekes' Weekly News

Learning, growing and celebrating together...

Getting back to nature can be quite therapeutic (even if it’s a little harsh on the bones), just ask our Garden Club regulars. 


There’s really nothing like digging in the dirt and that soft sensation of a worm or two crawling around in the palm of your hand. Last Thursday morning (and again yesterday), the school gates sprung open early, welcoming back our Garden Club regulars. ‘They’ve got to go’ I heard one self-assured little Gardener mumble as she stared at the very high and thick weeds in the garden beds. ‘This is going to be fun’ countered another enthusiastic chap as he rolled up his sleeves, slid on his gloves and prepared himself to tackle the weeds.       


There was much to do as the shovels hit the soil, dirt flying everywhere, long green lengths quickly raised from their winter slumber. These children were serious, not mucking around. They didn't stand a chance. The weeds had outstayed their welcome, their race was won, they were soon to be mulched. Frantic children in the zone, energised little earth movers, determined to pull out as many weeds as they could before Kiss and Drop began. Now you see them - now you don't, the competition was on to see who could grasp the longest and or heaviest one.  Who knew pulling weeds out of the garden was so much fun.


Our ‘keen as bean’ little gardeners worked hard, they didn’t even notice how fresh the winter wind was upon their rosy cheeks or that there were another 3 garden beds that too, were covered in a thick thatch of cunning, but nervous looking weeds. ‘There’s always next week’ suggested one child as they threw down their muddy gloves, beginning to wash away the grime and dirt that somehow managed to infiltrate its way under the fingernails. Defeat would not be an option for these little ones. The battle was not over.


You often hear people say that Gardening is good for the soul. This may be true, however, one of the last comments overheard from our happy, but fatigued workers, as they collected their school bags was, ‘my knees are sore and my back is so stiff’. It would seem that the souls may have been boosted, but a night time soak in the bath hopefully, fixed these weary youngsters, ready for their next assignment, the next 3 garden beds lying in wait.  


Enjoy tending to your garden as Spring fills the air. May your gloves be strong and the hot water supplies adequate, as your turn comes to attack the weeds.   


Wishing everyone a lovely weekend. 


Kind Regards,


Ed Weekes


School Principal