Careers and Pathways

Year 12 VTAC
The Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) is the hub for tertiary applications in Victoria. Course applications to Universities, many TAFEs and Independent Tertiary Colleges are made through VTAC.
VTAC application open on Monday 1st of August, 2022. Throughout this term, we continue to provide information to students about VTAC applications, this will include information around SEAS (Special Entry Access Schemes) and scholarships.
All students who apply via VTAC are required to make a payment of $44.00 by credit card on their VTAC portal.
As we continue to support your child through this process, students should be preparing by:
- Applying for a USI (Unique Student Identifier) if you do not already have one. Students must have a USI to apply for courses. Obtaining a USI is simple and free. Please visit to create a USI
- Staying up to date with information communicated via our Pathways Information (Year 12 2022) Google Classroom.
- Registering for and attending Open Days at various University and TAFE institutions
- Deciding on the special access schemes (SEAS) that may be most appropriate for them and prepare required supporting documentation.
- Research potential courses that students have an interest in and intend to apply.
University and TAFE Open Days
Open days are back for 2022 with the majority of tertiary institutions Open days provide a fantastic opportunity to learn more about specific courses by speaking to teaching staff and current students as well as get a feel for the campus and the facilities available.
Attending open days is recommended for all students in years 10, 11 & 12.
Please see the flyer below: