2023 Year 11 Information Sessions

2023 Year 11 Information Session
Dear Student, Parents, Guardians & Carers,
You are invited to attend the 2023 Year 11 Information Session held at Tarneit Senior College on Thursday 28th July 2022, 3:00pm - 6:00pm.
The information session will provide students and their families the opportunity to explore available learning programs; The Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), The Victorian Certificate of Education - Vocational Major (VCE - VM) and The Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC), for 2023-2024.
Students and their families will be able to discuss their learning program with a range of staff including classroom teachers, subject leaders, careers counsellors and other College support staff.
The information session will include:
● Welcome and Introduction - Auditorium
● Subject Displays and Information - Stadium
● College Supports and Services - Stadium
● Snacks and Refreshments - Canteen
We encourage all students, parents/carers and families to attend. Families will be able to book their desired session online via Compass. Sessions are available every 30 minutes, beginning at 3:00pm with the last session beginning at 5:00pm. The Information Session will finish at 6:00pm.
2023 Yr 11 Information Session Bookings
Bookings for the 2023 Yr 11 Information Sessions being held on Thursday 28 July, 2022 are now open.
Please click on the URL link to book in your time on CompassTix.
Please find attached a Compass Tix flyer with step by step instructions.
If you require further assistance, please contact the office on 9749 0246.
CompassTix Booking Instructions
2023 Year 11 Course counselling will be held on:
Thursday 4th August, 2022.
There will be a class free day for students on Thursday 4th of August. This is a day where students and their parent/guardians will come in at their appointment time to confirm program and subject selections.
Preparing for this day, a 15 minute session will need to be booked via compass. Bookings are currently open and will close on Monday 1st of August at 9am. Students without a booking will be allocated a session time.
We look forward to seeing students and their families at next week’s information afternoon on Thursday 28th of July.