Principal's Report

Welcome back to semester 2


I hope all students were able to have a break during our recent school holidays and have recharged ready for semester 2.


Face Masks

The Department of Education has provided updated advice regarding the wearing of Face Masks at school. It is strongly recommended all students and staff wear a face mask when indoors throughout winter. Wearing masks is a simple step we can all take this winter to reduce the number of COVID-19 cases and ensure our schools are as safe as possible. The college has ample supply of face masks available for students, with fresh face masks available in every classroom or via the General Office for any student wanting one. 


Exemptions for testing and isolation 

The period of time when someone is considered a recently confirmed case and therefore exempt from testing and isolation requirements has been reduced from the previous 12 weeks to 4 weeks. This means that staff and children who are household contacts of people with COVID-19 are now required to undertake the testing and isolation requirements from 4 weeks after completing isolation with COVID-19. Previously, this exemption period was 12 weeks. After the 4-week exemption period, students and staff members who are a household contact of a new COVID-19 case, must follow the rules for household contacts, including reporting this to their school.  As part of this they must take 5 rapid antigen tests (RATs) over 7 days and receive negative test results and wear a face mask (if over 8 years old) in indoor spaces. Families and staff will also have to report being a household contact to their school after this 4-week period.


Rapid Antigen Test kits

A reminder to all families that all students/families can access free Rapid Antigen Test kits from the General Office. All students are eligible for 3 kits per term and additional kits are available for students who are household contacts.



We have had a positive start to Semester Two classes last week. A reminder that Semester One reports will be available on the Compass parent and student portals on Friday 22 July. I encourage all parents to discuss the report with their student/s and put appropriate actions in place to address any areas for improvement highlighted. If there are any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher by phone or email.


Student Attendance and Educational Outcomes

Daily attendance is important for all students to succeed in education and to ensure they do not fall behind both socially and educationally. Studies show that absence does affect learning growth and that there are no safe number of days. A student missing one day a fortnight will miss four weeks in a year. In addition, a student who is half an hour late each day misses the equivalent of 16.6 days of learning each year. This is not acceptable. It is not ok to be away or late without a medical certificate! School participation maximises life opportunities for our young people by providing them with education and support networks. School helps children to develop important skills, knowledge and values that set them up for further learning and participation in their community. If you are having difficulty getting your child to school, please contact the House Leader Team at the College to discuss strategies that may assist you. 


Success in the GAT is crucial

This year, like all others, the GAT will be significant in the final calculation of students’ study scores.

Former VCAA employee and VCE data expert, Carmel Richardson, cannot emphasise enough the importance of the GAT on the statistical moderation of a student's study scores. It should always be taken seriously. 

If in the unfortunate event of a student being unable to sit their final exams the GAT will be used as a key factor in determining a derived score for each subject

Every effort should be made to maximise the GAT results and students should practise the different types of questions that they will encounter in the test. 

The GAT has been scheduled to occur on Wednesday 7th September. All year 12 students (VCE & VCAL) along with any year 11 students studying a Unit3/4 subject must sit the GAT.


Ensuring Success

We are now towards the end of July; it is important for our Year 12 students to be aware that they have only approximately twelve weeks of school left before their exams. These weeks are ALL very important and students need to make the very best use of this time to put themselves in the best position for their future.

So what type of study should VCE students be doing in addition to their usual class work?

  • Complete allocated tasks from subject teachers.
  • Ensure attendance at all classes and arrive on time
  • Finalise summary/revision notes while course materials are still fresh in mind. This reduces the amount of study required in the hectic weeks before the exams.
  • Read or re-read the assigned English texts. 
  • Take up additional sessions offered by teachers
  • Complete non-required tasks each week from topics already studied.
  • Maintain regular contact with your teachers and seek their support for understanding key topics
  • Working through topics for the second or third time has the added benefit of engraining examinable materials deeper into the long-term memory, which will decrease the amount of time you will need to prepare for your exams.

For those in Years 10 and 11, the opportunity for course counselling and information sessions will begin shortly, which I know will provide students and families with the knowledge to select appropriate subjects and pathways for 2023. For those needing some extra professional advice, please take advantage of the expertise that the college has to offer by simply contacting a member of the Careers and Pathways Team.  


Term 3 Professional Practice Day

Please note as per term 2, all teachers will be having their Professional Practice Day on the same day this term. The date set for this is Friday 12th August. This will be a class free day for all students.


Kind Regards, 

Simon Haber

College Principal

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