End of year celebrations

As term four is now in full swing we look ahead to our end of year arrangements and special events. 


Each four year old group (Blue, Orange and Purple) will be having a low-key informal performance for families during the kinder session, on these days children will be able to take home their special work we have been collecting over the year, the gifts they will make for their families and the toy they will be making at the Little Woodworkers incursion.


Three year old groups (Green and Red groups) will not be performing this year but will enjoy the Little woodworkers incursion and will be making special gifts for their families.

We find that for three year old children performing can be quite overwhelming so we have decided to save the opportunity for when they are in four year old kindergarten.


We will be having an end of year celebration for the whole of the kindergarten together- families are invited to bring along a picnic to share and children will be able to play together in the school playground. We are also excited to announce that after a few years absence due to Covid, Santa will be making a special appearance on this evening!


Whole Kinder end of year event:

Whole Kindergarten End-of-year Celebration: Thursday 8th December-6.00pm-7.15pm- invite to come shortly


Four year old end of year performances:

Purple Group End of year Celebration: Thursday 15th December (3pm)

Orange and Glue Groups- Monday  12th December (3pm)


Last kinder sessions for the year:

Blue and Orange groups- Wednesday 14th December

Purple and Green groups and extended care- Thursday 15th December

Red group- Friday 16th December


Please let us know if your child will be finishing up with us early due to family holidays or other arrangements as we need to ensure they receive their collated work over the year and finish their family gift.