Kindergarten happenings

Free Kinder in 2023!

We are very happy to hear the recent announcement that in 2023 both three and four year old kinder will be fully funded by the Victorian State Government. This is such a fantastic investment in education in the early years and will ensure access and equity for so many children. We thank the Government for their acknowledgement of the importance of two years of quality early childhood education prior to school.



Many of you will know that Charlie our teacher in Blue and Green groups is now on maternity leave and recently welcomed baby Oliver to her family! Michelle who has been acting as educator in Green group has now stepped into the teaching role and Sue who has been acting as an additional educator across all groups is now the educator for Green group. 

In Blue group, Jane who has previously taught in our kinder is now teaching for the remainder of this year with Saori as educator. 

Staffing for 2023 is now being finalised, 2023 kinder families will be notified shortly of class teaching teams for next year. 


Cancer Council Biggest Morning Tea fundraisers

Some of our kinder groups held morning teas last term to raise money for the important work that the Cancer Council do. We are happy to announce that we raised $366.25 which has been deposited to the Cancer Council. Thank you to our community!