Time travel exhibition through the 20th century with our Grade 5/6

Our 5/6 students and teachers were excited to present our end of Term 2 Inquiry Exhibition last Wednesday! They have worked hard to prepare their interactive presentation to conclude last term’s history unit, celebrating different eras throughout the 20th century. They have spared no effort to bring us this informative, interesting, and fun time machine! The installation featured the evolution from the 1900s to 1990s. Through various ingenious media, they not only recreated the eras, but they also compared how they relate to our current era. This was outstanding work that all other cohorts in the school had the opportunity to appreciate. A great achievement to all involved! Scroll down to view the photo album and read some of the students reports about their experience.
On a voyagé dans le temps, au 20e siècle avec nos élèves de CM2 et 6ème
Les élèves et professeurs de CM2 et 6ème étaient fiers de présenter leur exposition sur le sujet de recherche du trimestre dernier ! Ils ont travaillé fort à organiser cette présentation interactive sur l’histoire, célébrant les différentes époques du 20e siècle. Ils n’ont épargné aucun effort pour nous offrir cette machine à voyager dans le temps, qui était à la fois informative, intéressante et amusante ! L'exposition a mis en valeur l'évolution depuis les années 1900 jusqu'aux années 1990. Par une variété de media, les élèves ont non seulement pu recréer les circonstances de ces époques, mais aussi relever les différences et similitudes avec notre monde d'aujourd'hui. Un travail exceptionnel dont les autres niveaux scolaires ont pu profiter. Une belle réussite pour tous ! Vous pourrez voir plus pas l'album photo et lire des articles écrits par les élèves sur leur expérience.
In the student's words...
The Grade 5/6 exhibition day, was a blast! My time period was the 1900-1919’s. I decided to work on my own but I had Jordy stand right beside me. How I got my time period, I listed my preferences and the teachers took the suggestions and were placed in an Inquiry unit.
Once I was in the class, I got to work. I decided on my project and started researching. When the day came, we were all dressed up. I really enjoyed looking at all the other students’ projects throughout the day and exploring things from the past.
Considering I was working on my own, I thought my project was amazing. I got a lot of customers, as I like to call them and I had a lot of fun. I personally think I should have memorised my information more but they loved my autoped model from the 1900 – 1919’s. My dad helped me to make my autoped model and it was astonishing. I also thought my friend Jordy’s model plane that she worked on for 8 hours was amazing. Overall, I would give myself a 4 out of 5. I felt excited to set up my start and pretend to sell stuff. It was a colossal, astonishing and truly amazing day!!!
By Lola - 5/6 A
Last term the Grade 5/6 Students had to study a topic about a decade in the 20th century. We worked in mixed groups and we learnt about a household in the 1900-1919 and compared it to now. We each contributed to the work we had to do.
My group was with Taylor, Kaitlin and Ayala. We made a diorama of a house from the 1900-1919 and made many posters. We had home baked bread and dough and we let people who came to our expo play with the dough. We got to share all the things that we learned to the teachers and children that came to us. I thought it was fun and it was there were many people to talk to.
By Maya – 5/6A
Last Term all the 5/6’s started an inquiry project. It was “How has society changed throughout the 20th century?” All the 5/6’s came in the middle of the S.L.C and everyone put a preference of what year they wanted from the 1900 - 2000. I was not there, so I was paired with Mina and Rachel and we did fashion from the 1920s - 1939.
All month Mina, Rachel and I were searching all the information for fashion throughout 1920s-1939. We searched the differences, the key defining moments, the similarities and the different hats that they wore for both men and women. Then we printed photos of men/boys and women/girls wearing fashion.
On Wednesday 20th of July 2022 the project was due. Everyone got all the tables out of their classroom and used them for putting their project on. Mina, Rachel and I went right in the middle and put our big cardboard poster on the table and next to that was our big 3D box of photos of what they wore back in the olden days. We had dressed mannequins on the sides of the table and we also had this creepy doll that I said to Mina and Rachel not to put on, but we did it anyway. I think we got really high marks from Mr Beal because Mr Beal said we got the highest marks so far. I really liked it and it was so fun.
By Jasmine Auslender – 5/6A
On the 20th Wednesday of July, it was exhibition day. The grade 5/6s showed an inquiry presentation to Preps, Grades 1, 2, 3 and 4. The year fives and sixes worked on their inquiry presentations throughout Term 2 and 2 weeks in Term 3. The inquiry presentation was about historical information about an era you’ve been given. When the Exhibition day began, all the year 5 and 6 students began to set up their inquiry presentations on tables and lockers. The grade 5/6s brought stickers, pins/badges, flyers, food like cookies, deserts etc but you were not allowed to sell the food because of allergies and other stuff. All the year 5/6s were showing the presentations for more than 3 hours.
My experience (Divyanshi) for the exhibition day was that it was really fun for me and my partner as we made handmade stickers for the people who came to our stall.
My experience (Ava) My partner and I created an exhibition about entertainment from the 1960s to 1979. We enjoyed giving out stickers to the grade ones, twos, threes and fours and telling them about the information about our era.
-Divyanshi and Ava- 5/6A
Our Inquiry topic for Term 2 and part of Term 3 was How society changed throughout the 20th century. Each student in the 5/6 cohort put down 3 options of what era they wanted. Each era had their own class with mixed classes. Every student was able to pick a group from 1-4 in the same era. They all had around 8 weeks to do the project, and on every Wednesday, they had two periods at the end of the day. This Wednesday all of the 5/6 students and teachers dressed up there. There were people in suits, dresses and many more creative costumes. They set up the projects in the S.L.C. for the whole school to come and see the wonderful presentations. Everyone did an amazing job with costumes and their projects. I went to school all dressed up in an old suit and everyone was wearing different clothes and it was kind of weird and different. My group built a model tv from cardboard and filmed on the laptop and put it in the model tv and connected headphones so you could hear the film. All in all it was a great day full of creativity and fun. I hope to do something like that in the future.
Orel Bird - 5/6 A
Mercredi, avec Holly nous avons présenté, la mode et la nourriture de 1940-1959. Nous avons fait un poster et la maquette d’une personne en bois avec des habits de cette époque, et une maquette avec des aliments. C’était amusant, on a aussi donné des autocollants aux preps!
-Caoimhe 5D
Mercredi, avec Céline, on a fait une présentation sur la médecine de 1920-1939. On a beaucoup aimé quand un petit garçon est venu regarder notre présentation parce qu’il était le premier à être vraiment intéressé. J'ai aussi adoré le costume de Céline, Elle était déguisée en bouteille de médicament ! A la fin de la journée, on était fatigué mais on s’est beaucoup amusées!
We had an expo on Wednesday for our inquiry. We had an era of what we needed to present, for example I was in the 1940s-1959s. We could choose what to present, I chose fashion. I made a poster and a mini shop. It was really fun, and we gave out stickers too!
-Caitlin 5D
On Wednesday we presented our inquiry projects to the students from all the classes.
Some were challenges and you could win stickers. There were a lot of
topics including the most popular: fashion! It was really fun!
-Timothy and Felix 5D
Yesterday I really liked the inquiry expo. It was a creative and teamwork experience to learn new things. My group, (Liam, Tom and myself) were working on the 1960 to 1979 era. Our subject was sport. We made fun and cool colourful balls that had our information on . I really enjoyed students coming over and wondering what our project was about. I really enjoyed it and I'm happy we did it!
-Kenji 5D
Mercredi, j’ai presenté une maison des années 1980. .Je me suis bien amusée, j’étais en groupe avec ma copine Victoria .J'ai adoré présenter mon projet et ce, que j'ai appris à toutes les classes.. J'ai réalisé que j'ai compris et appris beaucoup de choses sur les années 80. Avec Victoria on a donné des autocollants aux enfants. J'ai trouvé rigolo que des petits ont cru que notre projet était une vraie maison de poupées!
- Sophie 5D
Yesterday Eric and I did our expo on disco in 1970-1979. We had four posters, an air-dry clay: 1970 chevrolet nascar and a 3D disco ball. We also gave anyone who came to our expo stickers. It was so FUN!!!
-Jules 5D
Hier, les 5/6 on a fait une expo d’Inquiry, c’ était une expérience très amusante où les élèves ont pu voir plein de projets différents. Le thème de mon projet était le design d'intérieur des années 80 et 90. Mon groupe a présenté notre maquette et notre poster. J’ai travaillé avec Sophie et on était toutes les deux habillées en fluo avec les cheveux fous! J’ai appris plein de choses et donné des autocollants aux enfants qui passaient.
-Victoria 5D
On Wednesday the 20th of July, the 5/6s at CJC had their 1900s inquiry presentation. All of the students dressed up in their era and presented the presentation. Everyone looked amazing and enjoyed themselves. Everyone had worked extremely hard and had made everything seem interesting. There were many things such as videos, posters, games and more.
-Mika 5/6B
On the 20th of July 2022, CJC had an 5/6 exhibition, showcasing everyone’s hard work and effort and all their presentations. At the exhibition everyone’s presentations were very interesting and eye-catching, and everyone brought their research and ideas and presentation skills / presentation creativity to the table. The topics of each exhibition presentation varied from food to cars/automated transportation, to fashion, and more. People presented in different ways including using mannequins to present their fashion, cooking food, making advertisements, and more. As well as that each 5/6 class was split up and each person was put into a different era, varying from 1900-1919, 1920-1939, 1940-1959, 1960-1979, and 1980-1999. So, every person presented different things which made it more interesting.
-Hadassah 5/6B
Over the last weeks, the 5/6s have been preparing their presentations on what has changed throughout the last century. This week, they got to show their presentations to the entire school in a little exhibition. All of the kids had put a lot of time and effort into their presentation, and it all turned out amazing & everybody was pretty satisfied with the outcome.
Ari 5/6B