Covid-19 and Flu season

Changes on Covid vaccination requirement in schools (Friday 24 June)
Dear Parents and Carers,
As you would be aware, following advice from the Acting Chief Health Officer, the Victorian Government recently announced changes to the pandemic orders.
There will no longer be a mandated vaccination requirement for staff working in mainstream schools. This change will come in from 11.59pm Friday 24 June, so in effect from the start of Term 3 2022.
With almost 100% of school staff now vaccinated across Victoria, this will cause little change to our school.
As part of the changes, from 11.59pm Friday 24 June 2022, parents and carers who have COVID-19 can transport their non-COVID-19 children via private vehicle to their primary or secondary school when an alternative person is not available to assist. This will include school holiday programs held on school grounds.
This means that parents and carers will be able to leave COVID self-isolation to take their non-COVID-19 child to school or school holiday programs via a private vehicle.
The parent or carer must travel directly to and from the school only. They must remain in the vehicle at all times, unless it is reasonably necessary to leave the vehicle to walk the child to and from the entrance of the school safely. They must wear a face mask at all times.
Family members are asked to continue reporting positive COVID-19 cases to both the Department of Health and our own testing portal.
You must also let the school know if your child is a close contact. Students who are close contacts and want to attend should still take 5 RATs over 7 days and wear a face mask whilst indoors if they are aged 8 years or over.
Students should continue to stay home if they are unwell, even if they test negative on a RAT.
Thank you for your support as we continue to make these adjustments.
Chris Chant
Managing colds, flus and Covid at school
Dear parents and carers,
I am writing to inform you about the impact of influenza (flu) among our school community and measures we can all take to reduce the spread of flu as we enter into the colder months.
I want to reassure you that we are taking this very seriously and continue to follow the expert advice of the Department of Education and Training and Department of Health, to help ensure that our school continues to run effectively.
To help protect our school and the wider community, we ask that unwell students stay home, given the impacts of flu and colds on our school community.
To help reduce the spread of flu, colds and COVID-19, students are being encouraged to:
- wash and sanitise their hands regularly
- avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
- cover their nose and mouth when they cough or sneeze * get tested for COVID-19 if they feel unwell and follow the current Department of Health isolation requirements if a positive result is shown
- if unwell, stay at home until their symptoms pass.
Face masks are available in all schools and can be worn by any staff or students who wish to do so, including those who are medically at risk.
Vaccination remains the best protection against both COVID-19 and flu, and we encourage you to get your child vaccinated. Flu vaccinations can be booked through GPs and pharmacies, many of which can also provide COVID-19 vaccinations.
Please see the letter from the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, Victoria Faculty Council Chair, about the importance of protecting your children and family.
If your child does become sick while at school, please also ensure that we have correct emergency contact details for yourself. This is so we can get hold of you as quickly as possible.
I am aware that this is a challenging situation and we thank you for your understanding and support at this time.
If you have questions about what this means for our school, please feel free to contact our school office.
Thank you again for your support.
Yours sincerely
Chris Chant, Principal