Student News

Learn what opportunities our students have been taking on

Australian Maths Trust Competition

Last week we had a group of students participating in the Australian Maths Trust competition. Students across all year levels were given the opportunity to participate and apply their maths knowledge. Good luck everyone!





Grace Under Pressure

On Saturday, Mr Weber and Mrs Thomas had the privilege of taking our Year 11 Drama students to a performance at the Horsham Town Hall called 'Grace Under Pressure'. The play, based on interviews with frontline health professionals, painted an accurately painful image of the challenges our nurses, doctors and allied health professionals face on an hourly basis on every single shift.

A special thank you to Mr Weber and Mrs Thomas for taking time out of their weekend to make this special event happen for our Drama students.

A few of our students share their thoughts of the performance in relation to their VCE Drama studies.

LIVIN Presentation

On Monday, our Year 7, 11 and 12 students got to hear from former Horsham man and guest speaker, Alistair Mitchell from LIVIN - A mental health education program designed to break the stigma surrounding mental health and promote positive mental health in school environments.

Alistair engaged and empowered our students through life stories and important strategies to help break the stigma with talking about our mental health with friends and family and to seek support services when needed.

Thank you Alistair for making the trip down to chilly Victoria and taking the time to speak with our students today. Your mission and messages were well received by our students and staff.



Year 9 Social Innovators Days