Helpful Information and Employment Opportunities

Everyday helpful school advice, right at your fingertips!

Student Absences

Parents/Guardians are required to inform the College if your child/children are absent from school by 9.00am via PAM or by phoning the school on 5382 3545. 

Pleaese be sure to disclose if your child has COVID is or a close family contact of someone with COVID. Thank you for your support.



Student Achievements

We love to hear and celebrate our student's achievements and to share their success with our College Community. Please email details and/or photos to 




Attention: Parents of Country School Bus Travellers

Parents please ensure students are aware of the conditions of bus travel, especially the wearing of seatbelts. Many students are not wearing seatbelts or taking them off before the bus stops. The drivers are concerned for the safety of students and are asking for compliance by students.


From the Bus Coordinator


Conditions of Travel

To ensure the safety of all passengers on school buses, the following conditions apply at all times.

To ensure safe travel on school buses, students must agree to the following:

• Not to play on the road at the bus stop or try to get on the bus before it has stopped.

• Make sure you and your belongings are inside the bus at all times.

• Not throw anything from a bus window or have anything hanging out a window.

• Place bags and other belongings in the allocated storage areas.

• Get on and off the bus quietly and in an orderly manner.

• Stay in your seat while the bus is moving.

• Not distract drivers with screaming, shouting or unruly behaviour.

• When you get off the bus only cross the road when the bus has left and it is safe to do so.

• No dangerous or flammable goods are allowed on the bus, for example aerosol cans.

• Travel on the bus service allocated to you, to and from your approved bus stop only. Do not change to one that will take you to a sports or social event.

• Wear a seat belt where fitted.


Thank you for your support


Simon Everywhere App: Out of Uniform

The easiest way to advise us that your child is out of uniform is to:

Open your Simon Everywhere app

Click on the 'Out of Uniform' button

Complete a couple of questions on the 'Out of Uniform' form

If you haven't already downloaded the Simon Everywhere app and/or need assistance, please contact us on 5382 3545. Thanks!


Child Safety & Wellbeing 

Information for families and the school community:

St Brigid’s College is committed to providing a child safe and child friendly environment, where students are safe and feel safe.

Our Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy outlines the measures and strategies we have in place to support, promote and maintain the safety and wellbeing of our students:

• Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy (link below)

As valuable partners in promoting and maintaining child safety and wellbeing at St Brigid’s College we welcome and encourage your feedback.

If you have any suggestions, comments or questions in relation to our child safe policies and practices, please contact our Child Safe Officers, Mr Leigh McDonald or Mrs Chris Rook, on 5382 3545 or email /


Food Donation Drive

Once a year we conduct a food donation drive across each Homeroom. This involves students bringing non-perishable food items to school to place in the baskets provided in each Homeroom.

These food items are then presented at the Gifting Liturgy and subsequently donated to The Christian Emergency Food Centre in Horsham.

The Gifting Liturgy will be held in our College Stadium on Wednesday 7 September at 12.00pm and will involve Years 7 to10 from St Brigid's College and SMJ Horsham primary school students.

A list of suitable non-perishable food items for donation will be placed in each of the homerooms.

Thank you in advance for your kind generosity!


Thank You


A big thank you to Hermans of Horsham homewares store for donating a Pasta Maker to our Food Technology department. We love supporting our local community and appreciate their generosity!




Donations of Small Toiletry Items

Do you have any small toiletry items you’ve collected from hotels that you would like to donate? (shampoo, conditioner, soap, body wash) We are currently collecting small toiletry items to donate to the Brigidine Asylum Seekers Project - A project lead by former principal, Sr. Brigid Arthur. 

Something so little to us can make a big difference to someone else. 

Just drop your little donations into the glass jar on the front office counter. Thanks for your support!