Principal's Report

Mr Gerard Raven

Dear Families,


Term 3 is always an exciting time in our school. Our young people are being supported in making choices about their future as they select learning pathways and subjects for 2023. I thank the Learning and Teaching Team led by Jillian Wright and our Pathways Coordinator, Lesley Lannen, for overseeing this process. 

I encourage all families to consider how rapidly the workforce is changing and how automation is already replacing many unskilled and semi-skilled occupations, and what this may mean for our students. Please watch this 3 minute video clip, The Future of Work, and discuss with your children "The Future of Work".


This week, there will be no scheduled classes on Friday and Monday in response to our Circuit Breaker Weekend that was proposed by the Diocese of Ballarat Catholic Education Limited. This provides students and their families an opportunity to regroup, reassess and reflect on the past six months. It is an opportunity to take a breath, slow down, and recalibrate. I have been speaking to our staff about 2022 being the year to recalibrate to find the new normal and to reset as we move out of the pandemic. I encourage you and your family to recalibrate and to find the gift of one another over this long weekend. I urge you to find time to share a meal together or to do an activity that reconnects you as a family.


On the 23 - 25 August, our school will be reviewed by an external panel to validate what the school has done over the past five years and to assist us in setting a new strategy for the following five years. This process is quite a detailed one and will guide the school in living our Vision and Mission statement over the next few years. If anyone would like more detail on this process or would like to be involved, I ask that you contact me on or give me a call at school.


Stay safe,

Gerard Raven