Inquiry Learning in Elective History

Elective history students this term embarked on a series of inquiry learning tasks that culminated in an inquiry learning project. Students were tasked with researching a topic from history that interests them and present their findings to the class in a format of their choice. 

Topics were vastly different from one another. Ranging from the influence of Machiavelli on modern politics to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 to the horrific Salem Witch Trials and the mystery of Jack the Ripper that gripped late 19th century London in fear and paranoia. 


Presentation methods were likewise diverse, from folios and board games to presentations, videos and dioramas, the students of elective history excelled in this form of learning and thoroughly engaged with the process of historical investigations. Inquiry learning is where students are presented within effect a blank canvas that encourages critical thinking and problem solving skills in addition to fostering a natural curiosity of the past and how people lived. 


 This project has been highly enjoyable for both students and I and we look forward to more inquiry learning in 2022

Mr Will Lyon

HSIE Co-ordinator