Assistant Principals News

Dear Parents and Guardians,

As the end of the school year draws closer we look forward to recognising the achievements of students within the College. Next Friday the 3rd of December, Year 7-10 Semester 2 reports will be released on Compass.

Parents and students can click on the ‘View Academic Reports’ link under the Student Dashboard Profile or click on the ‘Reports’ tab from the Student’s Profile, and then ‘Year 7-10 Semester Two Reports’. This will download a PDF of the report.

For each subject, teachers have reported on:


• Commitment to Learning

• Semester Grade

• Commendations and Recommendations

Please note that the Semester Grade is based on the student’s achievement, knowledge and understanding against each subject’s performance descriptors and the Common Grade Scale. This includes both Summative Assessment Tasks and Formative in Class Learning Activities.

Students will also receive a Homeroom Report which indicates:

• Personal Attributes

• Commendations and Recommendations

• Absences


We encourage all parents to have conversations with their children about what they have done well, what they need to improve, how they can do this and how they can support their child.


In Week 10 we will live stream the Academic Award ceremonies for our students. This will happen in individual year groups, instead of the transition Yr 7/9 and Yr 8/10 Awards ceremonies, to comply with Covid restrictions. We will also acknowledge student contributions in the areas of Leadership, Citizenship, Faith, Academics and Participation in our annual Major Award ceremony. This too will be live-streamed so that parents can join us to celebrate these successes.


A reminder that our Yr 7 and 8 students should not have mobile phones out at school. This policy was put in place to minimise the disruptions of social media and enable students to be fully focused in classes and present during peer interactions. Next year we will be rolling this policy out to all students in the junior school ( Yr 7-10). We rely upon parents supporting us to assist with setting boundaries regarding safe and appropriate use of technology within the school. Students all have laptops and Chrome books so parents are encouraged to communicate with their child via email or to contact the office. 


We also encourage parents to monitor their child's use of technology and to be mindful of the conditions surrounding the platforms they are signing up to. The way young people communicate evolves every day online and as adults it is important that young people are aware of the expectations and boundaries that are in place. We encourage students to not have their devices in their rooms at night and to have regular check-ins with adults about their online interactions. This accountability can promote family conversations about safe and respectful interaction and assist with the avoidance of arguments and tension around boundaries set around social media after an incident has occurred.


Please ensure that you communicate with the College if you have any concerns regarding this. If your child's experience has been impacted at school due to inappropriate social media use, the school will take this seriously. We cannot help if we are unaware of individual issues.

Yours in Learning,

Lora Segrave and Damien Herb