Admin Matters

Year 3 and 4 Camp

When: Monday 29th November to Wednesday 1st December

Where: Lady Northcote Camp

Departure Time: 9.30am (Students to arrive to school between 8.45 and 9.00am)

Return to School: Approximately 3pm


Cost: $290.00 per student 

Payment: Invoices have been emailed to all families. Please pay via BPay with your unique biller details displayed on the invoice. If you have a student in the Junior School who paid for swimming, a credit is available to use towards the camp. Please deduct this from your invoice total. 


All consent, updated medical information, dietary requirements and payment is due by Friday 26th November. 


Consent Required: Please login to the Sentral app to grant electronic permission for your child to attend. 


For further information including a packing list, please refer to the attached camp notice.