Helpful Information for Parents and Carers 

2022 Enrolment Information

Enrolment applications for Year 7 - 2022 are now open!  Contact Mrs Gemma Creagan by calling 02 67 721666 or email for an enrolment pack.  

Employment Opportunities

School Fees

Fees can now be finalised for the year through the compass system. For any information regarding the  payment of fees, please call the College Office on 67 72 1666. 

When paying fees online, please use your account number or name as a reference when paying their school fees so we know where the payment has come from. 

Homework Centre

Homework Centre is continuing to the end of the year. We are open Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday's from 3.20pm to 4.30pm. All welcome. Easy pickup from the designated visitor pickup between the office and library entrances. 

School TV

SPECIAL REPORT: Respectful Language

In today’s world, it is becoming apparent that some young people are being influenced by the language around them. It is becoming more common for them to hear derogatory terms or offensive language on the streets, on social media channels, streaming services and in some forms of modern music. Proliferating the use of such language can sometimes normalise, glamorise and sanitise their impact, taking their meaning out of context. Words can be misconstrued to be hurtful, racist, homophobic, mysogynistic or even discriminatory. Using disrespectful language is considered socially unacceptable, and if not addressed early, can become a serious problem.

The use of derogatory language or the act of swearing at someone, or about someone, is actually a form of verbal violence. It transgresses the usual rules of social interaction by impinging on an individual’s self-image and sense of dignity. Therefore, many schools enforce a zero tolerance policy when it comes to such language. Parents and carers also need to play an important role in enforcing this approach by proactively monitoring what their children are viewing or being exposed to and discussing the use of words or their origin. This can help prevent inappropriate or disrespectful language being used in the classroom, school yard or other situations.

Whilst some students may use swearing or derogatory terms for attention seeking purposes, others may use it simply because they are still learning how to moderate their language. As young people develop their language skills, it is important for them to have a clear understanding of the impact of their choice of words on others and how their words can impact other people’s perspective of them - an important and essential skill to learn as they progress in their personal and professional development.

School TV Special Report

Talking to your teenager about alcohol consumption and the potential dangers associated with it can be tricky and overwhelming. However, no matter how difficult this conversation may be, it is an important one to have in order to ensure the safety of our young people.

The legal drinking age in all Australian states and territories is 18 years, however this does not deter some adolescents from experimenting with alcohol. Health experts say that young people are at greater risk of alcohol-related harm than adults as it increases the risk of damage to their developing brain. It is a substance that affects their body, behaviour and decision-making abilities, highlighting the importance of preventing or limiting your teenager’s alcohol use.

End of school and the impending festive season may be a cause for celebration for many teenagers ready to party and wanting to put this year behind them. However, the impact of the pandemic has experts concerned that these celebrations may involve excessive alcohol consumption and result in risky behaviour. Parent and carers can help minimise these risks by influencing sensible drinking habits. It is important to outline the rules and boundaries around age-appropriate alcohol consumption and what the legal implications may be. Although many teenagers are fully aware of the dangers, they put more value on the reward than adults.

Start the conversation today. Parents and carers need to educate their children on when, where and how to drink responsibly.



If you require further guidance or information, contact the Alcohol and Drug Foundation Helpline on 1300 85 85 84 for free confidential support.

Canteen Menu

We are fortunate at O'Connor Catholic College to have such a range of healthy options at our student cafe. The menu for Term 4 will be advertised shortly.

Full time Provisional Psychologist available for students this year at O'Connor

We are pleased to announce that we now have an onsite full-time provisional psychologist at the College. This will ensure timely and easy access to what is  a very important service for our students. 

Bus Timetables for 2021 

Edwards Coaches

Changes will occur from  the first day of term 1 2021. Edwards Coaches website  will be updated in the next few weeks with the timetables, maps arrival and departure times.



All parent/ guardian and student inquiries for 2021 can be referred to Edwards Coaches 02 6772 3116 or email or

TFNSW is now accepting bus applications for 2021 go to

Or simple using your browser type ssts (School Student Transport Scheme). Likewise for updates such as address or school changes.

VIDEO: A quick snapshot of O'Connor Catholic College including our current College Captains.

Uniform Shop

With a slight change to COVID restrictions, we can now have parents come in to purchase uniforms for their children from our Uniform Shop. This will be by appointment only, with one fully vaccinated parent accompanying their child. Parents will be asked to QR code in at the shop and provide evidence of vaccination.To make an appointment, please contact Mrs Vickie Cooper through the College office, 6772 1666 or via email: the remainder of term, the Uniform Shop will be open on Mondays-8am to 12noon, Wednesdays-12noon to 4pm and Thursday-10am to 4pm.For the beginning of the school year 2022, the shop will be open on Tuesday 25 January 9am to 4pm, Thursday 27 January 9am to 4pm, Friday 28 January 1:30pm to 4pm and Monday 31 January 8am to 4pm.


Uniform Shop Hours (by appointment). 

Monday:          8am - 12pm

Wednesday:   12pm - 4pm

Thursday:       10am - 4pm (note change of day for 2021)


Prices can be found on our College website. 



Centacare courses for families
