R.E News - Assistant Principal / Mission

Mr Damian Roff


This Sunday is the first week of Advent, a distinct liturgical season. Advent refers to the four weeks leading up to Christmas and like Lent it is a time of preparation and waiting. For all those students of the classics, the word Advent comes from the Latin advenio meaning "to come to".  This is a direct reference to Christmas and the coming of Jesus. It is deeper than merely remembering the nativity. It is also the celebration of Jesus coming into our lives still today through the Holy Spirit. Very importantly we are reminded "Christ will come again to judge the living and the dead".


How do we prepare for Christmas?

1. Take notice of the Advent wreath in the Cathedral or make one. The wreath is a circle, which has no beginning or end: God is eternal, and His love for us is everlasting. The wreath is usually made of fresh plant material, because Christ came to give us new, everlasting life. Three candles are purple, symbolising penance, preparation and sacrifice; the pink candle symbolises the same but highlights the third Sunday of Advent, The light represents Christ, The progression of lighting candles shows our increasing readiness to meet Our Lord.

2. Pray. Make this a daily routine. The Rosary reminds us of Mary, the ultimate role model of patience and waiting.

3. Read the Gospels. The four Sundays of Advent concentrate on St Matthew's Gospel and reflect upon the anticipation of the coming of our Lord.

4. Participate in the sacrament of reconciliation. Reconciliation is available at all parishes. At the Cathedral the Sacrament of Reconciliation is at present available on Saturdays 11.30am - 12.00pm and 4.00pm - 5.00pm.

5. Proclaim. Remember the real reason for the season, remind those caught up in the consumerism that often abounds, of the coming of our Lord.6. Give. Christmas presents are obvious and bring great joy but also consider giving to the needy. Charity not only involves giving money but also of your time and your talents.Here is a link to the Catholic Weekly article on the importance of Christmas. It is very much worth reading and has been the basis for some upcoming lessons in RE here at O'Connor.


Vinnies Christmas Appeal

The College Vinnies group have placed baskets in pastoral and academic (PAC) home rooms. Students are invited in the spirit of giving to bring in a gift that Vinnies will distribute to families that are in need.  All gifts will be gratefully received, but a focus on gifts for men, women and teenagers are especially needed. The Christmas liturgy will be held on December 8 and gifts will be presented to Vinnies for distribution after this. 


Unveiling and Blessing of Saint Angela Merici

On December 2, we are very appreciative that Bishop Kennedy will bless our new statue of St Angela Merici. The statue is to be situated in the quadrangle, in the garden. It will be a great visible reminder of the life and example set of this most wonderful saint. It is also a reminder of the Ursuline Sisters inextricable link and contribution to O'Connor.


Retreat Season

Last week Year 7 enjoyed a wonderful retreat at the show ground. One of the highlights of the day was the wonderful prayer service that was put together on the spot by the students themselves. 


On Friday this week, Year 9 made the long trek to the show ground to have a fun and relaxing day with the theme "Being the Best You". Year 11 will have a retreat day on December 7 at Echidna Gully under the theme of "Journey". Information regarding the retreats can be found in Compass.





Damian Roff








Our Founders - St Angela Merici and St John Baptiste De La Salle

Year of St Joseph


Saints Mary and Joseph Cathedral Parish


Keeping in touch with what is happening in the Cathedral Parish is easy through their website and Facebook pages.


With such a difficult year and a half it has been harder for parishioner's to give to the parish through the plates, particularly when the church is closed as it is at present. The Parish account details are available on the Parish bulletin. 



Cathedral Parish Website

Information about our founders


La Salle Website

Ursuline Sisters Website