School Review 2022

Every 4 years schools undertake a review of their performance. From this review schools develop their new strategic plan.


The school review supports each school to differentiate its improvement journey by building on current strengths and responding to unique challenges in order to achieve continuous improvement.  


The school review:

  • provides opportunities to engage with the whole school community about how they feel the school is going
  • provides an independent view of the school by drawing on external expertise
  • delves deeply into the school’s performance through the analysis of performance data, focus group discussions, and observations of teaching and learning practices
  • triangulates evidence based findings to propose goals, targets and key improvement strategies for the new strategic plan.


This term Ballarat High School is to complete its Pre Review Self Evaluation (PRSE). In term 1 next year we undertake the School Review process, led by an external reviewer.


As part of our self-evaluation we undertake activities seeking feedback from staff, students, parents, and the wider community.


At the end of term1 next year the school will have in place a new 4 year strategic plan.


Thanks in advance to our community for contributing to this reflective feedback process.


Gary Palmer
