School Advisory 


School Advisory Council Feedback from last Term’s School Advisory Council meeting:

  • It was acknowledged that the School had been significantly impacted by COVID and Influenza with multiple staff members away, and up to 86 children away on any given day. Despite these disruptions, the school managed to continue with normal class activities and programs, which provided our children with much-needed stability and consistency.
  • CDF Pay was well received by parents and has been utilised regularly. The school are looking to extend the scope of purchases that can be completed through CDF Pay.
  • The recent Parent Social Night arranged by the P&F Committee was well attended with positive feedback, and it was suggested that these activities are important post-COVID to bring the school community together again. It was also highlighted that many more school activities such as Book Week and School morning reading will be open to the wider school community again.
  • The school explored proposed Playground options, which were presented to the Council in detail with good response. A working party from the Council will be convened by John Howley to investigate playground options and ideas, with safety seen as a priority. Any ideas from the school community would be welcomed.
  • Year 5/6 students will participate in an 8 week Cybersafety program conducted by Shepparton Police.
  • St Brendan’s Open Day was held on 19th May with two sessions that were well attended.
  • The main focus of the School Advisory Council over the coming meetings will be the 3 year Strategic Plan, which is consistent with the terms of reference of the Council. The Strategic Plan addresses future plans for Learning and Teaching, Pastoral Wellbeing, Stewardship of Resources, Leadership and Catholic Identity. The Strategic Plan is available for perusal on the St. Brendan’s website, and any input or ideas would be welcomed by the school or Council members.
  • The next School Advisory Council meeting will be scheduled towards the end of Term 3.”


John Miksad 

School Advisory Chair