A message from our Principal

Dear St. Brendan's School Community,
It has been a fantastic start to term 3 for us all here at St. Brendan’s.
Mr Wild and the Year 6 Wellbeing Team have been helping all learning communities get prepared for Athletics by setting up equipment and encouraging students to try their best.
Mask Wearing in Schools
The Victorian Government is recommending that, through to the end of Winter, students aged 8 and over and staff will wear masks when in class. All classrooms have spare masks, sanitisers and air purifiers. Your support and understanding are greatly appreciated.
Police in Schools
We welcome Leigh Johnson to our school who is working with our Senior Years Learning community. Leigh is a local member of the Victorian Police Force who works with students in schools to build understanding of the role of local police.
Leighs sessions will teach the students about Civics and Citizenship, Respect, Laws, and Cybersafety/Bullying.
Pupil Free Day, Friday 29th July
This will be a student free day as staff will be working with Andrea Hillbrick (Learning and Teaching Consultant) to further unpack the reading process and how this supports our School’s Learning Model. We look forward to working with Andrea on this day.
Parent Teacher Learning Conversations
Parent Teacher Learning Conversations will be held Monday 1st and Tuesday 2nd August. This is a time for your child’s teacher to discuss learning goals from their Semester One Report. Parents/carers can choose to have a face to face or a phone interview. We will be taking bookings from next week.
Supporting Readers at Home
We have had great attendance at our ‘Supporting Readers at Home’ session on Thursday this week. We will be offering the same session to families in Week 5. The purpose of this session is to talk about approaches to teaching reading and strategies to work on at different reading levels.
If you are interesting attending our next session on Thursday, 11th August. Please register your attendance via the google form.
Parent Information
For your information, Shepparton Police and Shepparton Highway Patrol will be conducting a traffic operation over the next couple of weeks targeting poor driver behaviour in school zones throughout the Shepparton area. There will be some advertising of this on the local Eyewatch page and also on radio media.
As there are in excess of 20 schools within the Shepparton area that will be targeted, the St. Brendan's school zone may be attended at some point during the operation, however we have not been provided with specific times/dates of attendance at sites.
I appreciate your assistance in working together to keep our School Community safe.
Yours sincerely,
Joel Brian
Deputy Principal