Parents and Friends News

Dear families,


Welcome back to Term 3 and a special welcome to the new families that have joined our school community!


This term brings great events at school along with P&F events which we are looking forward to. These P&F events include the next Parents Social Night, coffee van at the Book Week Parade, Father’s Day Stall and our first Golf Day - read the ‘Event and Fundraising Information’ below for more information.


If you are able to assist with planning or organising details for these events please make contact with us - many hands make light work! These events going ahead will depend on the support of our school community.


It would be great to see you at our next P&F Meeting next week, on Tuesday 26 July 2022, from 2.30pm - 3.15pm in the Learning Enrichment Centre (LEC) at school. See below for discussion topics for the meeting.


Bianca and Jacklyn


Calendar of Events – Term 3






Tuesday, 26th

P&F Meeting


Thursday, 28th

Social Catch up - Walk around the lake



Friday 5th

Parents Social Night


Tuesday, 16th

Father's Day Stall - Orders open


Friday, 26th

Book Week Dress up Day


Tuesday, 30th

Father's Day Stall - Orders due



Thursday, 1st

Father's Day Stall - items distributed



Golf Day - To be confirmed


Friday, 16th 

Last day of Term 3 / Footy Colours Day


19th to 30th

School Holidays




Save the Date - End of Year Celebration - Thursday 17 November 2022

Keep an eye on the ‘Events’ calendar in the SkoolBag app - events are added in here.


Review of Events and Fundraisers

Scholastic Book Fair

It was great to hear the school has been able to purchase books through Scholastic with credits from the Book Fair and Book Club. I’m sure the students will enjoy these once they are in circulation.



Event and Fundraising Information

Social Catch Up - Thursday 28 July 2022

Members of the school community are invited to a social catch up on Thursday 28 July for a walk around Victoria Park Lake. Meeting at 9.15am at Western Park, near the outdoor gym equipment.

Please contact the P&F by 5.00pm on Wednesday 27 July 2022 to advise if you are able to attend.


Parents Social Night - Friday 5 August 2022

The P&F is pleased to invite parents/guardians to the next Parents Social Night.


When:   Friday, 5th August 2022

Time:    7.30pm - 9.30pm

Location:  Bicaro's Ristorante' (upstairs)

Tickets: $25 (includes finger food and entry into lucky door prize draw, drinks at own cost)

RSVP:   Friday, 29 July 2022, 3.00pm


Tickets can now be purchased through CDF Pay under one of your children's profiles. Tickets are to be purchased by 3.00pm on Friday, 29 July 2022 to allow for catering arrangements.


This will be a relaxing night and a great opportunity to meet other families in our school community.


If you have any questions or dietary requirements please advise the P&F via




Fathers Day Stall 

As in previous years the P&F is hoping to organise a Father’s Day Stall to give gift options to the children to purchase for someone special in their lives on Father’s Day. This is also a fundraiser for the school.


This year Father’s Day is on Sunday, 4 September. To have gifts ready to give on Father’s Day we are working on the below timeline:


Orders open:   Tuesday, 16th August 2022

Orders due:     Tuesday, 30th August 2022

Orders distributed:   Thursday, 1st September 2022


Helpers needed!

For the Father’s Day Stall to go ahead we require assistance to coordinate products for the Stall, pick up products and pack orders.


If you have any ideas of products we could include in the Stall or are able to assist with this event please contact


Book Week Dress Up Day - Friday 26th August 2022

The P&F has booked a coffee van to come to school on the day of the Book Week Dress Up Parade for parents/guardians to get a coffee prior to the costume parades.



Golf Day

The P&F is hoping to hold a Golf Day aimed at inviting males from the school community to socialise in a fun and relaxed environment.


This will be a fun day if you are an experienced golfer or not, with prizes on offer and lunch at the end of the morning. Any funds raised will also go towards purchasing supplies for the students.


Helpers needed!

This is the first time the P&F have held an event like this and to organise the day we need volunteers to assist in booking the venue, coordinating the competition and seeking sponsorship for prizes.


If you have any ideas for the day or are able to assist with this event please contact



Athletes Foot School Rewards Program – Coming Soon!


We are in the process of signing up to join the Athletes Foot School Rewards Program. More details will be given soon once the sign up process is completed!


IGA Community Rewards


Please find the below attachments to view full details of the IGA Rewards Program




My Name Label

Please find below attachment to view full details of My Name Label.




Committee Updates & Information

Contact details for P&F

President:   Bianca Lane

Secretary:   Jacklyn Lamb



Next P&F Meeting

The next meeting will be held Tuesday, 26th July 2022, from 2.30pm to 3.15pm in the School Staffroom.  Please report to the office to sign in prior to the meeting time.


All welcome - please come along to discuss and contribute your ideas to school events. Bring a friend, it would be great to see some new faces. 


RSVP by Monday, 25th July 2022, to Bianca or Jacklyn at: or feel free to contact us with any questions.


Register to be a volunteer

If you have a few hours to spare during the year and would like to get involved in the school community please register your interest to be involved as a parent helper through the P&F.


You can register your interest via email

*Volunteer requirements*

Volunteers must hold a current Working With Children’s Check. These details must be supplied to the school office to also be held confidentially. WWCC’s are free for volunteers, you can apply through the Working With Children Check Victoria website.

Business interest

Do you own/run a business, or know of a business, that may be interested in being involved in supporting the school community through fundraisers, sponsorship, in-kind support or at events?

Please contact the P&F by email to register your interest. We are very interested in working with our school community and building connections with family businesses.