Police in Schools Program

Police in Schools Program - Senior Years
This term St Brendan’s Senior Years students will be participating in a 4 week Police in Schools program.
This program will be facilitated by a local member of the Victorian Police Force Leigh Johnson.
Leigh is a Proactive Policing officer, working in the Multicultural and Youth engagement areas, stationed at the Shepparton Police station.
Leigh has initiated the Term Police in Schools program, with the wonderful support of the school and has linked in with the Neighborhood Policing model, which is a new model of community policing and engagement, as set out by the Chief Commissioner. Police are proactively engaging with the community and are being encouraged to work with them, to enhance trust and confidence in the work police do.
Working with school students/staff and school communities is a vital part of interacting and engaging with our local community. The students at Grades 5 and 6 level have four separate class visits and apart from getting to know local police, are taught about Civics and Citizenship, Respect, Role of Police, Laws, Cybersafety/Bullying, courts and also partake in engaging activities.’
We are very excited for Leigh to be running this program with our Senior Years classes, and look forward to the skills and knowledge our students will gain as emerging young leaders within our community.
Callum Thomas (Senior Years Learning and Teaching Leader)