Teaching and Learning

Excursion to Scienceworks and Planetarium

What a great day we had last Thursday. Each of our students showed the school values of Respect and Responsibility whilst travelling and at the venue; we could not be more proud of their ability to wait their turn, not call out, walk about the venue safety and look out for each other. It is always an eye-opener on days like these when we see students from other schools who do not have the same level of respect for others or can be entrusted to behave responsibly. 

Our students enjoyed the freedom of exploring the interactive displays in groups of three and being able to take the time to stop and spend additional time at the activities that interested them. Students were able to compare technology from days gone by to today, experiment with soundwaves and bionic body parts, see robotic displays and manipulate them, discover concepts related to space travel and building construction and explore what the future might look like for our food and energy resources. Students also entered the Sportszone, where they were able to participate in a broad range of physical activities that taught them about body science. 

The Planetarium was outstanding with the display being projected onto a giant dome overhead for students to recline and watch. Students watched an animated presentation about a journey to Mars and then were treated to a dazzling display of the night sky including constellations and planets that we can see with our naked eye at this time of year. 

News from Ms Coffey

On Friday, June 10th, Miss Coffey spent the day with the Prep to 6’s. In the morning, we participated in a Kelly Sports netball session & completed our spelling tests & did some reading activities. In the middle session, we watched an informative clip on space facts & then followed a guided drawing clip off Kids Art Hub to drew amazing astronauts. 

Check out our awesome work!! 

MARC News from Mrs G

Last week our students enjoyed the text, My Country by Ezekiel Kyaymullina and Sally Morgan. Sudents were then asked to respond to the statement, "On my perfect day.." As you can see from the photos the art work and responses really do sum up a perfect day in Australia.

Kelly Sports

On Friday 10th, students participated in a netball clinic with Leah from Kelly Sports. She took them through the different types of passing, including; chest, shoulder & bounce. Students also learnt to pivot on one foot & practised shooting for goal. 

Yet another great session, & an excellent way to warm up on a chilly winter’s morning! 

Music Lessons

Our students have enjoyed their second music lesson under the Songroom Program. This session which was facilitated by our music mentor, Rosie, saw the students learning about keeping a beat, rhythms and solfege ( high and low notes). 

We have eight more sessions with Rosie next term and are really looking forward to these each Monday afternoon. 

Take a look at the fantastic new equipment we have been able to purchase with our program grant- the Raywood Orchestra will be performing to sell out crowds in the near future!