Principal Message

This week and last has seen the amazing Live it Up performances in the College Hall.

Profound thanks and congratulations are due to Mr Mack, the Creative Arts Team of Ms. Hale, Ms. Sutton, Ms. Toole, Mrs Pulver, Mr THompson, Mr Chaston, The Maintenance Team of Mr J. Gymer, Mr. Steinmetz , Mr P Guymer, Mr C. Hale, other staff- Mrs Potts, Ms Gooden, Ms Edwards, Mrs Watt, Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Mowett, Mrs. Galvin, Mr. Pulver, Mr. Bailey, Mrs McCarten, Mrs MacKay, Mrs Halloway, Ms. Virgona, and Dr. Cox for their generous support of our students for this venture. A wonderful community event which has had amazing feedback from all who attended. 

Senior staff from CEDWW have attended and Dr Andrew Watson wrote a lovely letter of congratulations to the team which was gratefully received. We have also been blessed in the support of Fr. Paddy Sykes and our local, state and federal politicians. 


The support of the students through Facebook of our students has been heartwarming to see. If I can encourage anyone who isn't following our college Facebook page to please do so and check in regularly as we are posting daily about the wonderful range of things our students and staff are involved in. 




Check this link: HERE




This week we had a gathering of the Secondary Principals of the diocese in person and by zoom at Marian Catholic College Griffith. At that meeting, we farewelled Mr Alan LeBroque who is retiring after 15 years as the principal at Marian. Alan has been of great support to me as my mentor Principal as it were since my appointment in 2020. Alan is the last Assistant principal of Mount Erin High School and the first Assistant Principal of the newly formed Kildare Catholic College in 2004 for five years before moving to Griffith as Acting then the permanent Principal. He will be known to many in the community and his contribution in Wagga was certainly discussed as part of his farewell. 


Thank you to the over 900 students, staff and parents who responded so helpfully to our uniform options survey held recently. This has given us terrific data. Can I please note the following to ensure there are no misunderstandings:

  • Cost is a significant factor in deciding to bring the uniform provision onsite so we can control all aspects of cost. Our aim is to keep costs as low as possible yet provide a comfortable, affordable and attractive modern school uniform for all our students to wear. Our aim is to provide a better overall arrangement than currently exists.
  • In regard to hand down uniforms I have stated that we are happy for families to continue to use their existing stock of uniforms at home until that is exhausted. We aren't seeking to add to financial burdens at this time and we are as mindful as you are of the economic environment in which we operate. 
  • We are also investigating the operation of a second-hand option as well so that families can recycle their used uniforms if they are still wearable. 
  • We recognise therefore that it will take up to five years before all the school community has transitioned to the new uniform. We accept this as it supports families through the process. 

We are nearing completion with the process and will be in a position to announce early next term what the range will be of uniform items for the new KCC uniform. Our new uniform shop will commence operations hopefully during Term 3 in preparation for 2023.


I have written to all families via Compass today regarding the second industrial action on Thursday 30th June by the Independent Education Union of which most of our teachers are members. Please read this and if you have any questions please contact the college via