Primary News 

Year 2 PBL


Throughout term 2, the year 2 students have been working on their PBL- which was all about the following driving question.


‘How can we show the Lakeside community that we can all identify as being Australian, even though we are all different, by using Gods resources?’ The students have worked extremely hard on this project. They conducted research, interviews with year 6's and even got to go on an excursion to Cranbourne Botanic Gardens, along with an incursion from bunnings. After much research, the students decided the best way to address our driving question was to create a cultural garden, displaying plants from around the world to celebrate our multicultural community. 


We would like to present to you the Year 2 Cultural Garden.

Take a look at the amazing time we had creating this garden!



Lightning Premiership - Netball


On Monday 20th June 18 Year 5 and 6 students showcased their netball skills against six other schools in the district. Like a fine cheese, our netballers got better and better with time. We worked the ball around the court. 


Our defense and attackers worked hard all day and were at times significant forces to be reckoned with. While we didn't come away with a pennant, every netballer can hold their heads up high with pride. They each did their best for our teams and encouraged each other. It was wonderful to see each team on their games off, sit on the sidelines and cheer their peers on. 


A big shout-out of thanks to our Senior Student coaches Cheyenne, Oscar, and Tom for all of their encouragement and leadership. 



Lightning Premiership - Soccer


On Monday 20th June, Grades 5 and 6 students participated in the Lightning Prem Soccer competition. 


The day was fantastic, with great weather and an atmosphere for the students to play. The team went above and beyond expectations, winning nearly all of their games by incredible margins. It was amazing to see such inclusive, enthusiastic and active students representing their College. 



Overall, Lakeside came out Runners Up of the competition. Nearly every student scored on the day and every single one deserved to. 


An amazing effort and a fantastic day.