
Busy Times for Music

Hello Lakeside! I hope you have all been well and enjoying this Winter weather. It has been a very exciting time for Music at the College and I wanted to update you on a few things that have been going on.


Singing in the Rain

Students and staff of Lakeside College were proud to present our 2022 production of “Singin in the Rain” earlier this month! Presenting just across the road at the Cardinia Cultural Centre, our Grades 3-6 students and our principal cast performed on stage across three shows on Thursday 9th and Friday 10th June, and boy did they do a stellar job. Not only this, but we had many people who contributed to the show behind the scenes, from creating the massive cake sculpture, sourcing costumes and working backstage during the show. A big thank you and congratulations for all who were involved in the production; we look forward to bringing you another show for 2023!






Winter Recital


Following the musical, our music students took to the stage again in our very first Winter Recital on Thursday 26th June. The recital gave an opportunity for students who learn an instrument to perform in front of their parents, friends and the wider school community. In the end, we had just under 30 primary and secondary students perform across a range of instruments from piano, guitar, drums and voice. A big congratulations needs to be given to our instrumental teachers for their work supporting our students, we could not have put this night together without you. 



…phew, what a busy time! The future of music at Lakeside is looking very bright indeed. Time for a rest for now, but stay tuned for more events coming up in Term 3. Take care!


Mr John Glover

Music Teacher