Parents & Friends 

Parent Comedy Night 

What a great night had by all that attended! 

We couldn't have done it without the support and sponsorship of our loyal local business. Please show your appreciation in return and also support them where possible.

Crazy Hair WALK-A-THON

To date, we have raised $10,470 from the walk-a-thon!!! What an outstanding and dare we say record breaking result. Well done OPS. 


A reminder for those families yet to process their donations that you are still able to do so on Compass via the Course Confirmation/School Payment sections.


Working Bee - Sunday 19th June 9:30am to 12noon.

We hope you are keeping toasty and warm now that the winter weather has well and truly arrived!


The School Council is planning a working bee to give our school grounds some attention and a general tidy up. This will take place on Sunday 19 June from 9.30am-midday. 


We know how busy OPS community members are, and very much value any time people are happy and able to contribute. We will be focussing efforts on a few key activities over this 2.5 hour window so that people can come along to assist over that period and then get on with their day.


Given restrictions with Covid over the past two years, it has been some time since we were able to host regular working bee activities at the school grounds. These events provide a great opportunity to come along and mix with other members of the OPS community as well as to pitch in to help beautify our lovely school grounds.


More details will follow closer to the date. For now - please save the date and plan to come along for some of the morning. It will be great to see people together on site. We also welcome new families joining us in 2023 to come along and get to know their new school community. If you know your neighbours or kinder friends are starting at OPS next year, please extend our invitation to them.

Class Representatives

We’re still looking for some class reps if you are keen to be involved please reach out to Amy ( or the mailbox


Join our Facebook Group 'OPS Parents and Friends Community Kindness' to see regular reminders of what's going on at school, and to swap resources such as second hand uniform with other parents.

We welcome new volunteers and new ideas!  You can contact us at anytime on