2022 Annual Appeal

2022 Annual Appeal – Help us build brilliant minds
In 2022, we continue the work started in 2021 to raise funds for bursaries to build brilliant minds and, also, to support our development for the future.
Our new St Madeleine Sophie Barat Centre is buzzing with excitement as students make full use of the science, art, design and technology facilities.
Your generosity has already funded a means-tested scholarship afforded to one student, allowing the student to experience everything our new Sophie Centre has to offer. We aim to expand our scholarship program so that we can provide this same opportunity to more students.
We therefore ask you to consider making a donation to our Building Brilliant Minds Appeal.
You may also choose to donate to our Buildings for the Future Appeal which helps us to transform our buildings and grounds for generations of students and staff, while maintaining our heritage and history.
All donations over $2 are tax-deductible.
Thank you for your support. For further information please contact the Foundation on:
p: 03 9835 2776
e: foundation@sac.vic.edu.au