From the Archives

Do you remember the days of the pinafores?


This photo is from 1955 when students had to wear pinafores/smocks over their uniforms. According to the uniform regulations these aprons were worn by girls from 3rd class down (equivalent to today’s Prep to Year  9) at all times except:     

  • in the Chapel       
  • at Religious Knowledge class         
  • in the Mistress General's office         
  • with sports frocks        
  • at Weekly Notes and solemn meetings

They were still part of the uniform in the 1960s. There are no names on the photo so any help would be much appreciated!


Barbara Kowalski | School Archivist

Mondays and Wednesdays 8.30am - 4.30pm

Phone: 9835 2782 

Email:  Barbara Kowalski