From Marie
Welcome back to all of our families for Term 3. The weather has turned on a beautiful display of all things wonderful, radiant sunshine, frosty mornings, crispy grass, chilly days...winter at its very best. Check out the picture above, enjoying the frosty grass on the oval.
We welcome new families to our school this term including Miley (Foundation S), Amanat and Rihana (Grade 3/4Y) and Karanpreet (Grade 5/6Y). We are thrilled that you have joined our school community and look forward to getting to know you all.
Festival of Hidden Treasures
Our Festival is set for Saturday 15 October from 2-7pm. Check out the dedicated Festival page in this week, and all future, newsletters until the date. There are many ways that you can help out, get in touch and let us know what you can do to help.
Our Grade 2-6 families have the opportunity to register their children for the International, online tests in English, Mathematics, Spelling bee, Digital Technology, Science and Writing. Check out previous Compass notices and register before the due date. I have listed the actual test dates in the "Dates for Your Diary' in this newsletter.
Lunch Invite
I had a special invite to lunch last week. I joined students for fettuccine and burnt butter sage, it was delicious. Thank you Grade 3/4.