Fabulous Foundation
Fabulous Foundation
Term 2 Week 8 - Friday 17th of June 2022
What we are learning in week 9:
We have been focussing on expanding our schema on different topics through text. The Prep students are continuing to grow their knowledge in areas such as the four seasons as well as animals ranging from dogs to dolphins.
We are continuing to break down the structure of a description text We will continue looking into adjectivities and how we can add in words to make our sentences more interesting as well as nouns and verbs.
This term we will continue to introduce new words each week as part of our SMART smelling program. As always, we focus on the sounds of each letter in the word of the week and explore other words with the same sounds. By asking your child what the word of the week is and the sounds of the letters, it will provide a great opportunity for conversation about their learning at school.
Students will be continuing to build there number knowledge with numbers beyond 10 as well as beginning to create their own patterns with shapes and objects.
Our Inquiry unit this term is ‘Our community.” We will look into where we live and the type of houses we live in compared to other countries. We will also explore how schools have changed over the years (olden days to now), what schools look like in other countries, as well as what resources are available to us in our community (emergency services, facilities etc). We had an exciting visit from one of our parents, Adam during week 8. Adam is a paramedic, and we were lucky enough to get a visit from him and an ambulance and learn all about the ambulance service and first aid.
Leader in Me:
We will continue to focus on the 7 habits in week nine as well as what it means to be a leader in the community.
Message from the teachers:
Well done on a fabulous start to the year Preps. We are so proud of the progress you have made this semester and can not wait to see what you achieve next semester!
Take home readers and blue pouches
Every morning students have been independently changing their readers and giving their teachers any notices.
Please check these pouches nightly as this is how we send home school notices and communication.
We understand life is busy but please try to have your child read their reader each night. They really enjoying coming in each morning and swapping their reader over. (We have enclosed a laminated book mark which prompts you to ask questions at the end of the story to support their comprehension.)
Visit from Nick Staikos MP
Prep P taking a photo to thank Lisa for helping them with their learning this term.
Prep D taking a photo to thank Myra for helping them with their learning this term