Spectacular 5/6
Grade 5/6
Term 2 Week 8 2022 - Friday 17th of June 2022
Message from the Teacher:
As we reach the end of term two, a couple of things are becoming really clear to Sam, Anna and myself about our class. The emphasis that we, as a class and as leaders, place on being role models for those who are younger than us is really shining through. It is an incredibly proud moment when the staff, at the preschool we help, congratulate and thank the 5/6s for the way they have helped the preschool students adjust to school life. Those kids look forward to school every day, because they love working with the big kids and our sessions on Thursday are a highlight of their week. Yesterday we read our completed stories to the kids in the BER Library and the smiles of the little kids and the pride that my kids took in their work really made Sam, Anna and my day.
The second thing that 5/6A should be proud of is the quality and maturity that is appearing in their work. It is so pleasing to see students completing their work on time, helping others around them and actually stopping themselves and asking if that is the best piece of work I can do? Or what can I do better? A prime example is students, such as Reeve, TT, Mitch and Leeroy giving up their recess to finish their inquiry work. The 5/6s take great pride in the clubs they run and the activities they do, and I think this is a real display of the growth of their mindsets and their maturity. I can’t wait for next term, it is going to be a blast!
Important Information
Monday is parent teacher interviews, and there are only a limited number of spaces left. If these times do not suit you, please email me or phone the office and we can arrange another time late next week or in the new term. I would really like to talk to every one of my student’s families.
Sam and Anna will be missing for different stages of next term. Anna is off for a well-deserved trip back to Germany to visit family and Sam will be heading over to Ireland to compete in the world championships for Lacrosse. Anna will miss the first 3 weeks of term 3, and Sam will miss 3-4 weeks, starting from week 4. This will have no effect on classroom operations.
Pictures of the Week
Story time with our Kindergarten buddies. (Charlie’s story was fantastic!)